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Humanist society?

So I get an ad on my Facebook timeline for the humanist society, surprised I decided to read about them, claiming that they believe in wellbeing for themselves and others.
In the comments below a Christian lady , probably as surprised as I was to get their advert, wrote a quick comment about her faith. The hateful response from humanists was terrible
Wellbeing for others???
I don't think so!!
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Ynotisay · M
My gut is that people responding that way weren't open to hearing the opinion of someone who stands in opposition to their goal. And I have a feeling, but could be wrong, that the woman's opinion made that clear. It wasn't her playground to play in. There really are enemies fighting against what Humanists believe. Obviously.
I think there's a lot of people who are tired of it because it directly impacts their lives in a negative way. Humanists and the other "nons" are expected to shut and just take the religious influence. Well, in the U.S. those 'nons" make up abut 25 percent of the population. And it's growing. So you can be "for" the betterment of people and still be against those who, in their opinion, make it worse for others.
Ynotisay · M
@TheWildEcho You're lucky. I got curious and came across a study that asked if religion was 'important' or 'unimportant' in countries around the world. In the UK it was 73% "unimportant." In the U.S. it was 34% "unimportant."
What's happened over the years is that religion has been weaponized in the U.S. Seems to have very little do with walking the walk of what religion claims to teach. It's become a battleground that's bled in to our politics.
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@Ynotisay it certainly seems totally different across there. No link with politics here
Ynotisay · M
@TheWildEcho Yep. We're headed in the wrong direction. You guys are getting it right.
Wait...someone in internet comments was mean on the internet?! Say it ain't so!😆
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@Pikachu well it's a long time since you replied to one of my posts lol. I think last time you asked me the same question 3 times!! I answered twice and went into great detail and then you asked the exact same question again. I figured 2 answers were enough and ignored the third lol

No idea what you're talking about, sorry🤷‍♀️
Well, hypocrisy is the way of humans.

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