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Why do people apply human rules to the Creator

It's easy for us to wish life to be perfect. But applying these human ideas about the Creator is counter productive. We could never understand such a Being and our real purpose here on earth. We just have to accept certain things, good and tragic are part of life.
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Why? Because it's the only set of rules we have to go by. It's the only toolkit we have and ostensibly it's a toolkit given to us by god.
Seems strange then that god appears to fall short in several areas given that he's being judged based on parameters he outlined for us...
Axeroberts · 56-60, M
@Pikachu we have our own thoughts and feelings too

Call it what you want.
Ostensibly the moral compass within all of us was instilled by god as a tool to judge right from wrong.
If god seems sometimes to fall on the wrong side of that compass then that is justified.
Axeroberts · 56-60, M
@Pikachu not sure if we are in the position of where we put God. But humans seem to wish for an idealistic life.
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No dear.
You suppose that you can disprove the existence of the god of the Bible with flawed syllogisms and ignoring scripture and so you were rightfully called out upon it.

Here, I'm raising what i consider to be appropriate reasons to judge god by human standards in response to OP's question, not attempting to give proofs against god's existence.
The distinction is quite simple to understand...i thought.

I know you're my self-declared EnEMy but don't let that handicap your ability to reason😉
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when you claim I couldn't apply human standards to their god

You can apply human standards to god, just as i have.
It's just that there exists within the canon an excuse for why god might appear to do evil without being evil.
His ways are higher, blah, blah, blah.
This renders your attempt at disproof via a logical contradiction impotent.

By contrast, i'm not saying that god doesn't exist (like you do) on the basis that i think it is fair to judge god as evil from a human perspective.
All i've done in this thread is answer OP's question "Why do people apply human rules to the Creator".

...i guess this is just a little too nuanced for your sledgehammer approach to thinking...
I don't know how to make this simpler for you.

If you want to express how much you dislike me....i don't care lol.
Just tighten up your arguments, mmkay? 👍
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If there isn't any evidence for the Abrahamic god to exist then it's a special pleading fallacy you're committing

lol oh there are not enough facepalms in the world...
Special pleading would mean that i am attempting without sufficient justification to exclude god from the same standards applied generally.
But there is sufficient justification to exclude god from these standards if one takes the Bible to be an accurate description of god and his qualities....which you must in order for your little pet argument to make any sense.

We've been over this. i'll explain it just once more in as simple terms as i can:

1) You, Emosaur, are attempting to demonstrate that the god of Abraham does not exist based on identifying contradictions within his character.
2) In order for there to be contradictions within the character of god, you must accept as true and accurate each description and action of god attributed to him in the Bible...within the framework of the argument. Otherwise there is no basis on which to claim a contradiction.
3) The objective truth or falsity of the Bible story is therefor irrelevant in this context because without that conceit you're arguing that thing x is not true and that contradicts thing y...which is also not true lol.

Last time i layed this out for you, you threw a bit of a fit. This time, if you do feel compelled to respond, please do so in a pertinent manner. Thanks

and are doing this just because you hate specifically me

Doing this to you?
lol you followed me to this thread. I'm "doing this" because you brought it up again.
And if you think i hate you, you're placing wayyyy too much importance on internet arguments lol.
I just think you act like a twat 😉
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Too bad the Bible also disproves itself.

lmao🤣 Literally does not matter in the context of your little contradiction argument.

And you know it too because this is the second time you've been presented with that logic and for the second time you conspicuously avoid addressing or refuting the reasoning.
Rather telling, that.

So...did you want to make an attempt to demonstrate a flaw in the reasoning above or are you going to maintain your current level of intellectual dishonesty and ignore it so that you can keep using a defeated argument?...you know...the thing that people like Kent Hovind and Ken Ham do all the time....
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if it doesn't disprove itself.

Not i thing i said.
I Challenged you to dispute the reasoning i presented above with reference to your flawed syllogisms.
Aaaaand since you're behaving like creationist, i'll treat you like a creationist so that was

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so you accept circular reasoning from Christians, but not from me.

...so you're admitting to using circular reasoning...you just think i ought to accept it?

Answer me this:
If you don't take the biblical description of god as accurate...how do you determine that there exists a contradiction within the description?

Straight question. Give me a straight answer.
This is the challenge that Godspeed consistently fails. I hope you can prove yourself more honest than him...
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You accept it when Christians do it.

lol hell i do. But feel free to name an example. Quite the persecution you've developed here. Are you sure you're not a Christian?

I base it on what Christians tell me.

And i base it on what the Bible actually says so if you indeed think you can disprove the god of the Bible using logic try debunking the real thing instead of strawmen.

A being with both unlimited AND limited power cannot logically exist

Except you haven't yet identified a limit in power. You've identified ways you think would be better ways for the world to work and since they are not done that way, that god could not have done them that way.
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You're literally defending Christianity.

I'm defending against your erroneous argument. You said i accept circular reasoning from Christians...surely you have an example?

Hmmm, idk, can you be a Christian while being convinced of literally

lol clam down, i wasn't being serious🙄

- can't prevent suffering

- can't defeat Satan

- couldn't have "saved" humanity in any way other than sacrificing his son, who is also him, to himself

Aaaand that's why you argument fails.
You don't know that god couldn't do any of these things, you only know that according to the lore, he didn't.

Prove me wrong on that. I dare you.
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This conversation.

Nah dude. I'm not letting you off the hook so easily. You make out that you are actually interested in legitimate, intellectual and logical arguments.
Gesturing vaguely to "ThIS cOnVERsatIon" as your proof is horse shit and you know it.
Be specific, if you can.
Go ahead and identify in this conversation the part where i am accepting circular reasoning from Christians.
Good luck. 😉👍

No, this is what Christians have literally told me.

We've already dealt with this. I'm basing these arguments on what the Bible actually says. Why don't you go toe to toe with that?

If i'm being honest:
I think you're retreating from a position you've discovered is indefensible.
I think that your "Syllogisms against god" were, in your mind, meant as broad, logical refutations of the existence of the god of Abraham, not niche refutations of what a random Christian has said to you.

Am i right or am i wrong?
Did you set out to make a thousand little logical arguments against any random Christian's take on their god or did you set out to show logically that the god of the Bible was self-contradictory in the lore itself?
Be honest.
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I don't see you questioning Christians using circular arguments.

Oh look: another vague allusion to a non-specific example lol
Case dismissed.

because you hate me,

lmao my dude. I don't hate you. You just act like a twat and so i consider you a fair target if i'm in the mood to dismantle a flawed atheist argument. I actually think it's important to keep my side honest as well.
I don't hate you, this is a bit of fun for me and if it's not fun for you then i suggest you stop engaging.

The Bible is a fairytale book, therefore can be dismissed.

*sigh* We've been over this and you have as yet made no rebuttal.
If you wish to show a logical contradiction within the character of god then you must in the framework of your argument accept as true the Biblical description of god otherwise you are saying thing x (which is not true) contradicts thing y (which is also no true) therefore god can't exist....and that's stupid...You're not stupid, are you?

So it's still a niche belief even if 99.9% of all Christians I've ever debated hold it?

Lol cute made up statistic.
But you're not arguing with a Christian right now, you're arguing with me and i'm basing my argument on what the Bible actually says about god.

So stop making non-specific appeals to definitely real arguments most Christians are making and address mine.

Put up or shut up.
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if you were intellectually honest you would acknowledge that the vast majority of Christians I've debated would say the things I've listed

Um...hate to break it to you Emo...but i have not been closely following your internet arguments lol.
But this portion of our interaction grows tedious.
I pulled you up on what i consider to be a bad argument and you've flipped your shit over it.
Could not care less what you think of me and i'm not interested in any more discussion in that area.
Hurl any final, shitty little barbs you feel are necessary.

You're asking me to accept something as true that can't be true by definition

.....lol christ on a cracker, NO! I'm asking you to accept for the sake of your argument that these things are true or else you have nothing against which to argue.
How is this not sinking in for you?

Okokok, let me try it this way:

You want to prove that god cannot logically exist because one or more of his characteristics are contradictory.
So for example, god has Quality X and Quality Y and you believe that X contradicts Y thereby making his existence logically impossible.

Well, if you take X as true and Y as true then there is indeed a contradiction.
But if you take X as true and reject Y as false then there is no contradiction because one of the "contradictions" is false and vice versa.
If you reject both X and Y as false then there is no contradiction at all because X and Y no longer have any relation to one another.

The only way to assert that Quality X contradicts Quality Y is to assume (within the framework of the argument) that both Qualities are true.

Do you have any questions?