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Today’s society and ‘wokeism’

Something I’ve noticed for myself and that’s why I don’t want my level of consciousness to be placed under any of these umbrellas. I’ve gone through many dark nights of the soul, deep depression, all level of discipline methods, dead and rebirth for it to be labeled as woke. Being woke in this society seems like a fake level of pretentious consciousness. Only being displayed for a ego boost and a pat on the back. I don’t even like when people that haven’t done the work want to talk to me about manifestations. The main reason you even care about it is from a materialistic standpoint. I hope I’m not being misunderstood, I don’t mean someone that has started their journey but a mean someone that’s using the tools of spirituality not to be a better human but to gain treasures or look as if you’re healing. People are allowed to do what they want but don’t come to me with it. Yawn! Then society plays into it and monetize from their so called wokeness 😂.
Couldn’t agree with you more. The emphasis on the word ‘wokeism’ by right wingers has just made it more repulsive a topic for me than anything else.

They keep shaming anything that doesn’t conform with them and that’s why I keep away from such fanatic peeps. If they block me, I am relieved to know.
You’re awesome. ‘If you block me, im relieved to know’ classic 😂😂😂@Vivaci
🤭 It’s a sigh of relief! @NattybyNeter
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I hate that the term "woke" was bashed on and ruined by the right wingers. It's supposed to mean when someone has opened their eyes to the bigger picture and has decided to live life on their own terms, connected with everything. Now it's just something conservatives say any time they're triggered by someone smarter than they are.

I do hate fake "wokeness", though. An acquaintance of mine is dating a girl who constantly says everything is "toxic" and refuses to do anything if it doesn't "align her heart, mind, and body". 🙄🙄🙄 In reality she's just lazy and trying to jump on the bandwagon of the resurrected New Age popularity.
You crossed every T. You finished my whole post. Those are the people I am referring to in my post. Just lazy, bandwagonist that refuse to do the work and see the bigger picture but wants to wear the label. Like get a grip. @DearAmbellina2113
Briggett · T
@DearAmbellina2113 The doesn’t respect anyone or anything that is smart and logical.
ShadowWorker · 61-69, F
It's funny that a few years ago...there was an Awakening.... now we have a Woke..thingy.
The two have nothing to do with each other. They are opposites.
Complete opposites! @ShadowWorker
I don't know whether I completly understood you or not but I believe "woke" is something an opposition ascribes to someone and a new scary word that the right wingers use and something Companies use to make money with. I don't know anyone who labels themselves woke.
It's superficial and meaningless. Woke does not cover any set of belief and can mean any political position on the left from a right wingers perspective.
You must know some pretty good people then. This generation seems to use it a lot. Especially when trying to show you the positive side of life and how much you can accomplish if you just manifest and vision boards blah blah. It just sounds so superficial to me. Like spirituality has so much more to offer than material things. I am literally becoming a whole new person because I’m doing shadow work. I’ve seen things if I speak on people will label me crazy and all this society can focus on is financial gains and shallowness. It’s like we don’t even understand what’s going on. Then when you think you met level thinking people that’s paying attention, the conversation goes to shit because they haven’t done the work so they are clueless to what you are even speaking on @PrincessOfHell
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
You dont have to be a better person to wake up. I used to think that and was well on my way then my greatest enemy crippled my life by framing and brainwashing me. Now my life is crippled, i need intense therapy and i dont remeber who i was before.
You missed it man. The purpose of the post is to say these people are not awaken or going through any level of awakening just pretending to seem cool or join in. Re read @GuyWithOpinions
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
Ignore slang terms
is it real?

cool to see the other me

but there won't be much to talk about
if we're on the same level of development
Real can be based on different levels of perception. There’s lots to talk about, it’s just that some are better left unsaid. Have you ever heard of Stewart Wilde? @fakable
what's so great about this one?
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No. Read the comments @jshm2

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