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Arishmel is NOT a good person... at all.

I feel the need to clear my name after Arishmel totally discredited me with a recent post where he said that I believed that I believed that all of us were living on an upward-accelerating disc. I was clear to say that was NOT what I believed. This is what I believe as of this posting. I reserve the right to change my mind as new information is obtained.

I believe that everybody on Earth is living on a completely stationary plane. The Earth does not move at all. I know that may sound strange, but can you think of a time when you felt any motion coming from the Earth itself? No? Me either. I’m sure that there will be some smart ass that will say “well what about earthquakes.” Although I’ve never experienced an earthquake, I believe that enough people have been in an earthquake to say that earthquakes do happen from time to time.

If we don’t move but we see things in the sky move, then I would propose that Is what is happening. So, the Earth does NOT move at all. All of the stars and wondering stars (which many would call planets) the Sun and moon… all of that rotates over and around us in a 24-hour period.

I also believe that the surface of a body of water cannot curve. Waves? Sure, water In motion can and does curve, but not large lakes or oceans on Earth. I believe that everything we see in the sky with the exception of man-made objects such as planes, helicopters, blimps, hang gliders and any other man-made things are just lights with no substance. Therefore, they have no weight. Things have weight as I’m sure you know. So that is why things fall to the Earth. No weight, it does not fall.

This brings me to the last thing that I will address here, which is gravity. I do not believe in gravity at all. Instead of gravity, I believe in buoyancy and density. Allow me to explain this a little more. As I’m sure you are aware objects have weight. If something weighs more than the air surrounding it, then it goes down. Down is the opposite of up. If something weighs less than the air surrounding it, then it goes up. Pretty simple stuff. Up is the opposite of down.

Arishmel is NOT a good person. It is because of him that I’ve had to spend most of the night awake typing up this document. He is a deceiver and a prick. He contacted me asking me many questions about my beliefs, so I told him what I believed, not thinking that he would throw me under the bus, as he did.

I hope that this sets the record straight. Arishmel is a highly intelligent man, but he is also a total piece of shit.
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, but can you think of a time when you felt any motion coming from the Earth itself

But you don't feel motion when you're in a car, either. Only during acceleration or de-acceleration. While it's maintaining speed you don't feel the car pushing you forward, you can only see that things are moving past you.
So unless the Earth was changing the speed of its rotation and orbit...why would you expect to feel it?

If something weighs more than the air surrounding it, then it goes down. Down is the opposite of up. If something weighs less than the air surrounding it, then it goes up.

What is weight? What property gives an object weight? Why is something more dense "heavier"?
If weight is not a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object, what is it?

I also believe that the surface of a body of water cannot curve

But you can see water holding a curve on a small scale right here, right now.
Get a glass, fill it to the brim..and then fill it just a little bit more. You'll see the water forming a convex curve above the lip of the glass.
So by these we know that it is possible locally for water to hold a curve.
It seems odd that in order to decide that water can't hold a curve you must first reject the mechanism (gravity) which explains how it can while additionally, gravity seems to explain pretty much every issue you have.
One wonders on what grounds you reject gravity.

Because here's the thing: For each of these physical phenomena you have discussed, you have to invent an post hoc, "just so" explanation. That's messy and holds no predictive power.
On the other hand, when one applies the force of gravity, suddenly all these various phenomena are consistently and predictively explained.

Occam's razor tells us that the answer requiring the fewest assumptions is usually the right one.
Does your model require more or fewer assumptions?
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TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@fakable You are being savage.
Axelerator · 31-35, M
Tbh this is quite ironic. In your attempt to “clear your name” you end up explaining in detail, a worldview that is basically as unusual and unreal as the one he was claiming you believed in.

Also I’m not going to spend ages typing it out, but there’s plenty of issues with what you said, especially with gravity. You don’t have to be an expert or scientist to feel the clear effects of gravity every single day, frankly I’m not even sure how you could avoid noticing it. You should do some research on these topics, and a lot of it.

Tbh you’re gonna get flak and mocking for even sharing this perspective, very ironic indeed
DocSavage · M
Pretty simple stuff. Up is the opposite of down.
Which is why science was able to disprove what you say so easy. If it were that simple, what makes you believe that no one else never checked it out ? And why are so certain that everyone is trying so very hard to hide the truth from you ? The effort and expense it would take for the conspiracy, outweigh what ever benefits they could get from it.
Besides, if anyone really wanted to fiend out one way or the other, what’s stopping them ?
SubstantialKick · 36-40, M
Have you met him in person? How do you know what he is really like?
Bushranger · 70-79, M
What definition of weight are you using?
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
Partly the things are true and partly, it is one's belief system. Strong belief always wins. Theory of dialectics. We could call North as South and South as North and then also, we would be correct.
NeoNeo · 46-50, M
I can never write this much on any topic
Nebula · 41-45, F
Do.you believe the sun moves?
Miram · 31-35, F
Wrong website. This website is about tortoises, got nothing to do with all that.

Please take your fight to a pub.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
I like your views.
Just because you choose to live in a make believe world rather than put in the effort to learn, you deserve mockery and there’s no reason for anyone to care otherwise.
It takes effort to be this dumb.

You want to believe this shit, that's all it is.

You feel part of a special community, and it gives you a sense of identity.

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