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Do you agree that the UK is probably the nicest peoples in the world ?

The people of england and all that looks so gentle and nice
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Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
There's good and bad everywhere. Including in the U:K.

As a rule, the cities tend to have folk who are generally (in my experience) less likely to be helpful if you needed something like directions or advice.
That's probably because there's little sense of community in some places, and some are fearful of robbery or worse.

I think that's because the cities are often densely populated and folk are wary of people they don't know.
But it's not true of everybody.

I was once stuck in Birmingham wandering about looking for an address and found myself in a very Jamaican street and it suddenly dawned on me i might be in trouble being the only obviously white face !

Up the street there was an elderly lady sweeping her front step who kept looking down the street at me.
As i was trying to navigate this map and work out if i should just turn around and run, three rather tall Rastafarian looking gentlemen left her house and started walking down the street toward me......(Mayday !Mayday!)
As they got to me i was starting to panic looking to see if i could work out an escape route if i was about to be robbed or beaten (see how awful your mind works when you're unsure of your surroundings ???)

They got to me and in that beautiful lyrical accent asked me if i was ok.
I told them i was looking for a community centre somewhere nearby because i was meeting colleagues there.
They laughed and said "Oh we're headed that way we'll show you"...and they did !
On the way we chatted about the area; what was good, what was bad.....the subject of Cricket came up and that was it ! We were talking and laughing all the way !

Turns out i was only a couple of hundred yards out.

So even in the most uncomfortable places there are excellent wonderful people quite happy to help you out if you find yourself stuck

It’s friendlier up North.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@SW-User Yes i agree !
In my experience the further north you go the friendlier folk seem to be

Many people do say that when I meet people from the south.
We are actually entirely bitter, whilst remaining socially polite.
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
No, people from Guam are
Deceased · M
I mean the Brits are polite and classy. Somehow even when they're being rude. Its kind of weird, but the snob in me admires it.
vorian · 51-55, M
Hmmmm... try attending any local derby football match.
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
not always, it depends where you go.
I think theres good and bad people the world over
OldBrit · 61-69, M
Thank you .
smiler2012 · 61-69
@pikminboy 🤔 i suppose my opinion would be a little bias as i am from england lol 😆
[image/video deleted]
Blondily · F
I've never met any rude ones
@Blondily [media=https://youtu.be/IDS4ReB9SYo]
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
Where have you been watching us? Not after an international football game we lost, I think?
GovanDUNNY · M
Britons dont think they are special ,they just get on with it .
ChadJNSD · 18-21, M
Bunch of pasty faced aholes, with annoying accents.
ChadJNSD · 18-21, M
@JosephinaFox I meant the people of South Dakota. Where I am from. Just to clarify.
@ChadJNSD Clarification received. Merci.
@ChadJNSD that's not a nice way to talk about Americans
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
I have met A LOT of wonderful people from the UK
As long as it has Scotland
Some folks are nice, others not so nice.
Pretty much like everywhere.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Some are nice and some aren’t so nice

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