RubySoo · 56-60, F
Same here. My feed hardly changed between 8ish and midnight.....
PirateMonkeyCabinet · 36-40, M
@RubySoo But clearly our feed works well, right? Nothing wrong with it.
It sucks that your feed is suffering the same way. If only someone up the chain would be willing to put their pride aside for a moment and acknowledge that this is a real problem for some users. If only they'd be willing to admit that their change, while it does work for some, has also actually ruined the feed for quite a few users. You know, if they genuinely sat down to listen and cooperate with the community.
It sucks that your feed is suffering the same way. If only someone up the chain would be willing to put their pride aside for a moment and acknowledge that this is a real problem for some users. If only they'd be willing to admit that their change, while it does work for some, has also actually ruined the feed for quite a few users. You know, if they genuinely sat down to listen and cooperate with the community.
Gusman · 61-69, M
My feed right now - 2 minutes, 4 mins, 26 mins, 35 mins, 35 mins, 11 mins, 32 mins, 39 mins, 49 mins, 52 mins, 1 hour.
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PirateMonkeyCabinet · 36-40, M
@Gusman Aye, I've tried telling them, other people have tried telling them, but they just don't seem to understand how it affects some of us.
I do have to wonder though if that secret user reputation score system they have running in the background is also plugged directly into the feed. Like the lower your reputation is, the fewer posts it will show in your feed. Could potentially be an effective way to make unwanted users leave on their own as they'll just think the site has become less active, instead of them or other users throwing a big fuzz about suspensions/bans. Honestly wouldn't put it past them anymore after some of the stuff I've seen.
That might also explain why I get less in my feed as I have a feeling my reputation score may have tanked from apparently upsetting the admins in announcement posts.
I do have to wonder though if that secret user reputation score system they have running in the background is also plugged directly into the feed. Like the lower your reputation is, the fewer posts it will show in your feed. Could potentially be an effective way to make unwanted users leave on their own as they'll just think the site has become less active, instead of them or other users throwing a big fuzz about suspensions/bans. Honestly wouldn't put it past them anymore after some of the stuff I've seen.
That might also explain why I get less in my feed as I have a feeling my reputation score may have tanked from apparently upsetting the admins in announcement posts.
Gusman · 61-69, M
@PirateMonkeyCabinet I would have thought they would "look after" VIP's who contribute to their wages.
My feed is all over the place and I have had enough of it.
Even with my customised feed set at Time Posted it is a shemozzle
My feed is all over the place and I have had enough of it.
Even with my customised feed set at Time Posted it is a shemozzle
PirateMonkeyCabinet · 36-40, M
@Gusman Certainly doesn't seem that way. Admittedly, I get the feeling their income from this page is relatively low (relatively low member count, relatively low VIP adoption rate). Of course, I don't have stats to back that up, just my gut feeling.
I stopped my VIP a good while back, and now honestly regret that I supported them with my money. I think it's nice to support developers who to a good job and pay a bit even though the base service is free... the keyphrase here being "good job". Site had potential and it seemed like they were trying to make something good, but clearly I was wrong.
But yeah, your customized feed settings are effectively treated as suggestions. I don't know exactly what you'd want of your feed, but it is 100% impossible in the current state of the site to get my feed the way I want it. It could have been possible, but they have chosen not to allow that.
I stopped my VIP a good while back, and now honestly regret that I supported them with my money. I think it's nice to support developers who to a good job and pay a bit even though the base service is free... the keyphrase here being "good job". Site had potential and it seemed like they were trying to make something good, but clearly I was wrong.
But yeah, your customized feed settings are effectively treated as suggestions. I don't know exactly what you'd want of your feed, but it is 100% impossible in the current state of the site to get my feed the way I want it. It could have been possible, but they have chosen not to allow that.

If you just want posts and not comments you just choose the star feed and it brings all posts in chronological order
Gusman · 61-69, M
@SW-User None of those are in my feed. 🤷♂️
PirateMonkeyCabinet · 36-40, M
@SW-User Either way, as much flak as I give the admins I ultimately just want this site to be one that both succeeds and is a good place for folks, so I am genuinely glad SW works decently for you.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@SW-User doesnt matter what feed i choose, theres little difference and they are all rubbish for me
Vote here to fix the algorithm
Share with more people ask everyone to vote and be the change
Share with more people ask everyone to vote and be the change
AdaXI · T
Why are they torturing us like this?
乂ᴼ ₒ ᴼ乂
乂ᴼ ₒ ᴼ乂
ExtremeNext · 36-40
So the site is running normal as usual then?
PirateMonkeyCabinet · 36-40, M
@ExtremeNext Considering dysfunctional as the sites usual operating mode does seem about right these days.
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PirateMonkeyCabinet · 36-40, M
@eMortal I have no idea what you're on about. Seems mostly irrelevant to the point I made.
I never implied that I or anyone else here either have interest in or have no interest in going viral. I never implied that people are or aren't interested in "mindful connections". No idea why you've brought any of that into this.
All I said was that - due to the feed algorithm the devs have introduced - that my feed now barely shows me any new content from other people.
I never implied that I or anyone else here either have interest in or have no interest in going viral. I never implied that people are or aren't interested in "mindful connections". No idea why you've brought any of that into this.
All I said was that - due to the feed algorithm the devs have introduced - that my feed now barely shows me any new content from other people.
eMortal · M
@PirateMonkeyCabinet nevermind. I deleted my post
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
The algorithms are shit.
That is all.
That is all.
PirateMonkeyCabinet · 36-40, M
@Starcrossed I take it when you say decade you're also referring to the EP era. Either way you've even indeed been here plenty long enough to, as you say, point out that something is different and not working.
But yeah, the way they have handled it is absolutely atrocious. Mostly people are just being ignored, and when they aren't ignored they are either just handwaved away or the staff go on a full "we always know best because we can see things you can't" kind of rant. Heck, complain enough and they might just shadowban you from admin announcements and such too. It's the sense of disconnect and disrespect that frustrates me.
But yeah, the way they have handled it is absolutely atrocious. Mostly people are just being ignored, and when they aren't ignored they are either just handwaved away or the staff go on a full "we always know best because we can see things you can't" kind of rant. Heck, complain enough and they might just shadowban you from admin announcements and such too. It's the sense of disconnect and disrespect that frustrates me.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@PirateMonkeyCabinet the hand waiving is what gets me the most, especially when you see it happen to an old core member. The admins pretty much saying "f-you very much, your feedback means nothing, have a nice day thanks for your support' consistantly is going to dive this to the ground.
PirateMonkeyCabinet · 36-40, M
@Starcrossed Yeah. Looking at the changes over the last year or so and their handling of the user dissatisfaction with those changes just feels like they are trying to build a completely different site on the back of those who used to support them. Heck, it doesn't help when they write in their posts that they are interested in and care about user feedback when they handle it they way they do.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I hate the feed as it is now
PirateMonkeyCabinet · 36-40, M
@iamonfire696 You're welcome. Can't remember who taught me that one a good while back, but it's a lifesaver when it comes to SW.
And yes, it really is stupid. The worst part is that this could have been so easily avoidable too.
And yes, it really is stupid. The worst part is that this could have been so easily avoidable too.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@PirateMonkeyCabinet They don’t care what we think though. Thanks for the tip 💖
PirateMonkeyCabinet · 36-40, M
@iamonfire696 They really don't. And you're welcome! 😊
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