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I told her I like her, she said it's fine it's okay, but now she is acting distant

So there's this girl I had a crush on for over a year ( I am a female btw) so 3 days ago I summed up all the courage and told her that I like her, she said ohhh when did it happen, what do you like about me ohhh it's okay it's fine it happens then I asked her if she is straight or bi or lesbian she said oh no I'm straight I said okay it's fine we're good, but all this time I know that she knows that I like her and I heard that she is bi but after all this she is acting a distant only talks when I talk to her, it's not like how it used to be what should I do please help me????? things have completed changed ever since I told her!!!! our friendship is completely destroyed now the only thing we exchange now is hellos that's it, even the hellos only happens if I say hello to her.... It's messed up I don't know what to do I think I ruined it, it is driving me crazy
Convivial · 26-30, F
Do nothing... Just be your normal friendly self... She will either open up or not... But you can't force these things...I hope it works out for you both...
Lucky003 · F
@Convivial yess, I'll just act normal..... Thankyou
Be yourself.
Cherish it.
She knows your feelings .
Let her process .
But chance is very slim.

Lucky003 · F
@valobasa4ever thanksss❤️

She’s probably feeling uncomfortable. Just give her some time and space. Genie’s out of the bottle. Can’t put it back in.
Lucky003 · F
@OlderSometimesWiser yuppp, the genie's out now 🥲
@OlderSometimesWiser @Lucky003

THIS^^^ .... Exactly.....
in10RjFox · M
Her orientation does not really matter as gender is dynamic and not static. You become a male since you like her female body and she allowing you to touch her body is only going to excite her.

The mistake you made is asking whether she is straight or bi or les. Wrong question for it's not easy to answer such questions at once.

Also some feelings are momentary and case to case basis.

What probably you can do is invite her to a swimming pool or beach so you can spend some time together. If jacuzzi or sauna attached all the more good. You would get a lot of opportunity to touch her and if she is okay you progress to offer to bath her.
Lucky003 · F
@in10RjFox things have completed changed ever since I told her!!!! our friendship is completely destroyed now the only thing we exchange now is hellos that's it, even the hellos only happens if I say hello to her.... It's messed up I don't know what to do I think I ruined it, it is driving me crazy
in10RjFox · M
@Lucky003 it happens.. and such things have happened to me many a times when we are upfront about things as we can't judge how they receive it.

It's like spoilt milk and no use brooding over it. So relax and it may be cooking in her mind as she may be taking time to construct herself.

She knows that you are leching on her but don't give her that feel.

Instead look for opportunities to compliment on her dress or even say dress not good, by a sign.

Try to make a passing comment like when are we meeting or can we go for a coffee or drive.

All the best.
Lucky003 · F
@in10RjFox okayyy thanks alot 🌟
She is acting like that because she is straight or she is not interested at all
@Lucky003 it is painful but that's how life is
Lucky003 · F
@darkknightt yeah🙁
@Lucky003 it's a hurting phase and this too shall pass
NinaTina · 26-30, F
Take her out to see fireworks and just have a good time
Lucky003 · F
@NinaTina we're not that close, and she is always busy with her other friends sooo, maybe never🥲

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