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I could be a submissive - I think?

I’m an over thinker of the worst kind. I know it. It irritates my friends, it irritates my family. It even irritates me. I analyze and over analyze. It’s a strength, and has served as my protection. It’s also a weakness. I tend to think and think and end up deciding to do nothing. Or coming to a decision way later than was necessary. It doesn’t help with procrastinating either, let me tell you! It didn’t help with getting this post down “on paper” either.

Being forced not to think, to let my mind slow down. Is that even possible? Is that what I’m looking for? Is that what attracts me to submission? Should I explore this more? I mean, I’m really pretty innocent in the rest of my life. Does this taint it? Do I care?

Sigh, see what I mean?

I don’t know. I guess we’ll see. Because after one interaction with a dom: this. This post. This is what I’ve concluded about it.

I’ll add more posts about my experience the past few days to explain a little more. But this was just to get an introduction out there.

Anyway… Hi! I’m Cass. 😊
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Convivial · 26-30, F
Life is too be explored and tasted... Sometimes it's ok to drift at the whim of the winds... You can end up in places you never knew existed that way ...
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Over thinking isn't a sign of being submissive.

Being submissive is accepting another's decisions.

I know I'm a switch. Neither submissive nor dominant. At any given point of time, I literally can switch.

It's quite possible you are a switch as well.
TexChik · F
First things first. Find a Dom you are attracted to and that you trust.
daddybloke · 46-50, M
over analyzing does habe its good points too not rushing in especially for major decisions can be the right thing to do
hlpflwthat · M
Hi Cass! You seem like a delightful addition to the community. I look forward to more from you.
GambleOnFire · 18-21, F
Yea that’s what it’s all about that’s what subspace is
ContemplativeCas · 31-35, F
@GambleOnFire subspace?
HumanEarth · F
@ContemplativeCas Yeah, subspace is something is where you take your mind.

I've been part of D/s community for over 30 years. Its something you have inside you and can't be faked
I'm curious if I've been interested in the other side of that story for the same reason.
Be careful with some of the "doms" around here... they smell fresh meat and they can't wait to take advantage of the new, inexperienced submissive.
Look forward to the interesting reads 👍🏻
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
It can be relaxing to not have to make decisions.
Lostlostlost · 51-55, M
Hi Cass, looking forward to hearing more from you
666Maggotz · F
Why not just work on yourself instead of giving up your autonomy?
ContemplativeCas · 31-35, F
@666Maggotz I’ve come a far way but these habits are not easy to break. For example, going to the park, and sitting alone reading a book, I’m constantly scanning what’s going on around me, how I look to others walking by, if there is anyone who knows me. The list goes on. The result is I don’t immerse myself in the book and don’t enjoy it.

Enjoying sex is the same thing for me. It doesn’t come naturally. So being forced to focus, to listen, to respond. That somehow scratches a part of my brain that I couldn’t before.
666Maggotz · F
Strict4u · 56-60, M
Good girl cass I’m ready to read more post from you
Nick1 · 61-69, M
Hi Cass. Welcome.
[image/video deleted]
Yes. It's quite possible
1490wayb · 56-60, M
we all over analyze at times, better than a knee jerk reaction
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
I bet if you got to a BDSM club you will find out if you are.

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