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Why is kindness so incredibly attractive to me?

Completely random statement I know and maybe it’s because it is so rare in our instant gratification world these days, but kindness is so attractive to me. Someone who genuinely is interested in getting to know you without being solely focused on sex. We need more men like this in our lives!
Sapio · 51-55, M
It is indeed sad that it's a rarity. Sex has its place but there's so much more to explore with someone. And I think that exploration should come first. If the other doesn't occur, no big deal, at least you were given the opportunity to connect with someone platonically.
DHggmu · 31-35, M
I think you answered your own question, because it’s not the norm anymore, the world is full of negativity, judgment, hatred.
So when we meet some who is genuinely kind, it’s easy to find that attractive, at least for me.
Umile · 41-45, F
Same here.

A kind man is a good man. A good man is attractive.

Meaning, me like.

If only they sold detectors for that kind of thing.
Ferric67 · M
Kindness is an intrinsic quality that speaks volumes on character
NickyLee · 41-45
Being kind unfortunately ruined me. Ive been taken advantage of so badly, so many times that it makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with me. Every time is like the first time somehow, and then im left wondering how i let it happen again
Magenta · F
Hmmm that's not really what kindness is though, to moi.That's just being sincerely interested in us as a person and actually behaving as a gentleman, rare that it is.
Nick1 · 61-69, M
People take advantage of kindness. So over time you become more cautious.
Jonjdw · 46-50, M
You are right. Get to k ow the person was always important to me
I was agreeing until I read the word men.

Men are so not my type
TexChik · F
Because it is in short supply.
minnygirl · 31-35, F
@TexChik 💯
Need more kindness in the world
Samek · 36-40, M
Does seem to be rare. :(
in10RjFox · M
Why do you think it's just attractive to you. We all love kindness at varied levels.
iamBen · M
Nice to hear. The world often doesn't seem to value kindness.

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