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Silvia1979 · 41-45, F
You're actually good looking.

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@CestManan OMG! That is so well put. You definitely are hitting the nail. I have been studing this for a while. It is hard for me to accept so i must seek honest opinions like yours. Two heads are better than one and its whey i started this thread. In a couple of days i will reveal what my "Problem" is after I gather everyones input. I think it will be a very interesting read. Perhaps my findings will be able to help "Fix' other peoples similar problem too. I acknowledge that the best counselor on the planet cannot fix someones ploblem until that person first admits having a problem.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@IndianaJoes Well whatever it is I look forward to reading about it. :)
As i promised a few days ago... I'm going to reveal what my problem is. 1st, I thank everyone for your positive comments and help with my research on myself. Not one person said I was ugly. Iwshm64 said that "God doesn't make ugly people, people act ugly." You are so right! (I love this). Chernobylplaygrounds said, "Ugly isnt someones looks, It's more of an inside job" (I love this too)! It's what I suspected. I am not ugly. (YES!!!) But I don't think im ugly on the inside either. And I judge people by their hearts and not their body shape. However... some of my most favorite women were of the bigger size. Maybe a coincidence, don't have proof of it though.
Okay, here is what my problem is.... I am a weirdo. I've known it for a while. I don't follow the norms of society. I dont just follow the leader. I dont do the monkey see monkey do thing. I am a motherless child. I have been to hell and back and lived to talk about it. I was homeless once. I finished high school while living in a car. I have been used and abused. Rode hard and put away wet. I am not a perfect dude. That's just some about me.
Everything society says is that I should be a drug addict or a drunk. Yet I've only seen the inside of a jail cell from a TV screen. Dad said this "Anything bad can be turned into good if you use it as a learning experience." He taught me to love learning things. No one can take that from you."
My passion is to pay attention. I have never bought a lottery ticket in my life. I never used a credit card in my life. I am debt free now. I am able to solve problems easily now. If i need to tell someone to go get eft.. I will do it in a millisecond. I even learn from other peoples mistakes.
I am a grown man who knows how to cry and not ashamed to admit it. I think my heart is pretty.
I have been blessed to be able to hang with some successful people. Some were not nice but, Two things I noticed about all of them. They were smart and they did not usually follow the norms of society.
So I do things differently and people see me as a Weirdo. (Most weirdos aren't crazy, stupid or dangerous). Even though I don't like where I've come from, I love where I wound up. A big happy humble weirdo. Thanks to many who helped me get there. I can think of many things that I'm glad I'm not.
Perhaps maybe I've helped someone else here on sw with a little advice on thoughts of how to be in a better place. Love to you all.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@IndianaJoes In order to understand that most of the TV is BULLSH*T, one just has to watch the patterns of how things go. You have seen it...

The air brush to paint your face? Oh yeah, I seen those kits at thrift stores. Now HOW did such a good system end up there? 🤔 Guess I will keep using brushes and sponges to apply my makeup.

Vitamins? I knew those were BS when I was a kid back in the 80's and I will tell you how. Go ahead and laugh at this - I figured if vitamins really helped or did ANYthing, no one in the world would torture themselves by eating vegetables. 😄

Credit cards? Yeah I been down that road, never again. They do help for emergency situations like wanting to dine out or buy more luxuries that one does not need. 🙄

Life insurance? Oh so the $10,000 funeral and burial is covered? Wouldn't cremation and private services or memorial be more economical? That is what a few of my late relatives opted for during their living years. Besides with cremation, it gives us one final chance to have a smoking hot body like when we were 21.

Oh and about cars - remember when BMW was the prestigious car to own? I have known people who owned one and they complained about it a lot.
@CestManan everythings a joke nowadays. You can see what the left is doing thru the commercials. They made a fortune thru the scamdemic. They are manipulting all the big pharma stocks because they own most of it. George soros controls all cable and air TV so all you see now is medical ads. A drug or an oxygen machine or special wheel chair or skin products and the $9.95 plan? How does that ad up? $10 a month is $120 a year or $1200 in 10 years.. lol. It would take 100 years to accumulate $12,000. And there gonna want their cut too. But people believe the lies and they're makin money so keep doin it. As far as new cars... they're all junk right from the factory. Just ask anyone who owns one. how many times is it in the shop? See if they give you an honest answer. It will suprise you how many would lie because of their image ego. And the recalls on all brands. Wow! That says it all.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@IndianaJoes Luckily the scamdemic went away once it started inconveniencing companies. I guess they didn;t want to deal with the cost, hassle, and attendance problems that would be brought on by having to test unvaxxed employees. They could not require vaccines because then they wouldn't have enough wage slave drones to do the job.

I remember when the scamdemic first hit, they were talking about so many dead bodies piling up that they had to store them in semi trailers. This was REAL early on. If there were even a shred of truth to that, people dying THAT often and quick, wouldn't we ALL be dead by now?
I mean when I was out and about I didn't see THAT many people dropping dead on the spot.

My own car is a 2008 honda with low miles but is in real good shape and well maintained. I dread the day I need a new one. 😬

OH and those cable and direcTV things, I was in a hotel a few weeks ago and they had direcTV. I looked through the channels and programming and it was mostly HOURS of infomercials for My Pillow or herbicide law suits or some kind of product that makes private areas stop stinking.
Why would anyone pay money to watch that?

How can some people go through life being naive? I mean when we are young it is one thing but SURELY someone would learn critical thinking after they have been duped a few times.
No not at all
You are quite handsome

Ugly isn't in someone's looks it's more of an inside job
@IndianaJoes Maybe you aren't the problem
@SW-User that is certainly part of it,but theres more.
@IndianaJoes there's always more
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
It depends how you are like in person. I don't really notice attraction by surface only.

Are you threatened by other men? How do you treat women? children? Old people? staff? black people? trans people? homosexuals?

What are your values like?
@Queendragonfly we see eye to eye on this. The heart is what makes us beautiful or ugly. In a couple days i will reveal what my problem is. I am doing research on myself based on public opinions about myself. Also food for thought for others as well. Please comment as much as you like. Thx
all american men are should be real man like me
IamCuriousBabe · 51-55, F
@IndianaJoes unhappy and insecure that's for sure
@IamCuriousBabe and not accepted either.
@IndianaJoes I think I hold the corner on unaccepted and I'll never travel that road again.
lwshm64 · 56-60, F
Just bye your looks alone NO but, to me what makes a person ugly is how they treat others. How they are in real life. God doesn't make ugly people act UGLY
helenS · 36-40, F
You're not "ugly". Actually you look attractive. Has anyone ever said to you that you are "ugly"??
@helenS I have never been told that I am ugly but oviously i have a problem. I think I know what it is and I am going to get to the bottom of it. Im looking for public opinion.
BeJeweled · F
No, you're actually good looking.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
Anielka · F
Definitely not.
UpForItNow · 22-25, F
Of course not.
Silvia1979 · 41-45, F
No. You are not
I think maybe I know what my problem is but, Im trying to weed out any other possibilities
Do you care? If so, why are you seeking validation online from strangers whom you will probably never meet?
@Nihiless I already answered that one in the comments
@IndianaJoes You hadn't already answered in the comments before I commented. It was 3 minutes after you replied to my comment actually.
@Nihiless sorry.
You look good.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
let's ask your wife
@pancakeslam I disposed of the wife 12 years ago
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
@IndianaJoes who was @IndianaJoesWife? 😃

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