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Atheism is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

Besides being personal very disappointed I like to point out that this posting wasn't and isn't for the amusement of all the stupid atheists on here who can't even be bothered to view this clip to its very end. No, but it does show though that some of them will never respect different opinions nor the actual existance of difference, so I have decided to end their utter stupidity and hatred towards my rights as an individual in using here and now my ownership of this posting to delete anyone's statement that is contrary to Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."

If you can't stand that freedom either then opt out for a still existing communist country. Cheers! 😁
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Annie13 · F
You deleted my comment in which I stated that religious freedom is important but that religious laws should not have a place in government since legislations are supposed to be for everyone and should never favour one group over the other nor should they force everyone to adhere to laws of a specific religion.

Looking at your other posts I was hoping you wouldn't argue in bad faith. I was pointing out that morality is not exclusive to Christianity and that this video seems to not understand how atheists and people of other spiritual beliefs structure their life and find value.

Also Darwins thesis also includes mutual aid amongst species as part of survival of the fittest and Atheists don't base their morality on science alone.
Carazaa · F
@Annie13 In Karolinska Hospital in Sweden Of the 440 children who have been treated at the hospital for gender dysphoria issues and were given hormone blockers, 13 have suffered serious injuries as a result.

In one case, a girl who wished to become a boy at the age of 10 was put on a regimen of puberty-blocking drugs at the age of 11 by the hospital. Five years after the treatment, the effects of the hormone therapy are said to have resulted in osteoporosis and damaged the vertebrae in teen’s back, Swedish broadcaster SVT reported.
Annie13 · F
@Carazaa Could you provide a link for these claims?
I'm sure hormone therapy is not without side effects but you know what is a side effect of untreated gender dysphoria? Self harm, suicide and in general people being miserable cause they have to live in the wrong body.
Carazaa · F
@Annie13 There is a lot of research and studies, but sure here is one in English
DocSavage · M
It’s a rejection of the supernatural in favor of the more realistic natural
Simple really.
val70 · 51-55
@Annie13 Again, you're wrong. You keep believing in your thoughts, and I'll have my own pratical experiences just like bullying is indeed violence and that happens the most to practising believers these days. Almost every month there's somewhere in a church, temple or mosque a violent incident against practising believers. No such luck for practising atheists
(chart Pew Research Center)

PS I'm closer to France than US in both distance and figures 😁
Annie13 · F
@val70 Individuals religious beliefs are declining in the west that is accurate yet most are still somewhat associated to christianity like being part of a denomination without active participation and it's widely accepted in western societies.
I'm sorry that there is harrassment
There is no such thing as a practicing atheist though but as an openly gay man I had my fair share of religion based discrimination.
val70 · 51-55
@Annie13 Sorry to hear about that, but then I'm a lesbian librarian. Greyhaired, seen it all and firm in her believes
Carazaa · F
Yes many countries that were Christian and doing good are now falling away from faith, and then they wonder why they have so much trouble. I watched the Sky news last night and heard that England has the worst economy of all countries now (not sure if that is true) And my friend in Sweden told me a few months ago that Sweden has it worse than any other country, ( not sure at all that that is true since the crime and drugs is worse in the USA)
Countries blame it on the economy and foreigners from ungodly countries but I believe it has more to do with us Christians not putting God first.
"If MY people, who are called by MY NAME will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land" 2 Chronicles 7:14
Carazaa · F
@Emosaur There still is a state church in Scandinavia that people pay taxes to. "At the beginning of the XVIth century, Scandinavia consisted of two kingdoms : one was made up of Norway and Denmark and the other Sweden and Finland. They both loosely belonged to the same confederation (the Union of Kalmar) which disintegrated at the time of the Reform movement. Lutheranism soon became the main religion and this favoured the constitution of national Churches which could each retain the use of its own language – they were all under State control. Today, even if the churches are not full, the influence of Lutheranism can still be deeply felt in the life of these countries" Museeprotetantism,History of Scandinavian protestans 2023.[/b]
Scandinavian flags,
Carazaa · F
@Emosaur The constitution of Haiti establishes the freedom of religion and does not establish a state religion, although the Catholic Church receives some preferential treatment.
Religion in Haiti - Wikipedia
Haitis flag
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Faith is a gift some are yet to receive..
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout you believe in God?!

Huh 🤔, never woulda guessed that .
Hedge my bets… not prepared to mock the idea at the least 😇
Carazaa · F
God said the Bible is "God breathed" spoken by Gods chosen people and this is what God says of unbelief

John 1:19 “… men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil.”
val70 · 51-55
@Carazaa That's John 3:19 but I'd rather quote the entire passage here:

John 3:19-21: “This is the crisis we’re in: God-light streamed into the world, but men and women everywhere ran for the darkness. They went for the darkness because they were not really interested in pleasing God. Everyone who makes a practice of doing evil, addicted to denial and illusion, hates God-light and won’t come near it, fearing a painful exposure. But anyone working and living in truth and reality welcomes God-light so the work can be seen for the God-work it is.”
Carazaa · F
@val70 What version are you using? The original Greek is more like NIV
This is the NIV (I like it because it is similar to KJV and Hebrew and Greek original but simple English. I don't like paraphrasing versions each word is important and have special meaning)

John3: 19-21 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.
val70 · 51-55
@Carazaa I don't like to quote normally because I like to understand, you know. And in my opinion, a book like the MSG actually helps us with this. It can help you get to the heart of the passage quicker. It's about the understanding of things in every sense of the word at all times
Dino11 · M
Church and state are separate. Per our founding fathers
Carazaa · F
@Dino11 Next you want to take "In God we trust" off the dollar bill!
I don’t understand why it’s an issue as long as you keep church and state separate. State laws should never be based on religious doctrine where a secular government and several religious faiths coexist.
Lynda70 · F
@bijouxbroussard The problem is that christians want to dictate how everyone lives their lives. If they just kept their beliefs to themselves, there wouldn't be a problem
I’m not an atheist or a Christian. Interesting documentary. It’s very Pro Christian and religion but interesting anyway. Just remember that by calling atheists idiots you are doing exactly what you’re accusing atheists of doing to you.if you listen to what he says from 45:25 you will see that that’s exactly what certain religious folks do to others that don’t believe what they believe.
FormerAtheist · 26-30
"What's wrong with arrogance if you're right?" - Atkins the atheist

These people are an absolute JOKE! 😂
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Carazaa · F
@Annie13 I am from Scandinavia. And yes they prospered. under Godly kings, and the governments were loving and based on the Bible and God says "I will bless you and your children for 1000 generations." They left paganism year 1000 AD and all of Scandinavia became Christian with Godly Kings who said "We will serve the Lord" and Christian governments who built Christian churches in every little town and hired Christian pastors who knocked on doors to help people and to invite them to their Christian parish church. Year 2000AD Scandinavia decided to have freedom of religion. But the Christian values to care for people are still there, its ingrained. Until year 2000AD Sweden was blessed, there were less than 8 murders a year and no bike locks were needed because it was very safe; no one locked their door and it was like heaven on earth, my grandma said everyone was reading their Bibles and no one was working on the Sabbath or picking an apple in their yards. Police had no guns but were peacemakers helping resolve conflicts.

But now its going down and if they don't turn back to Christ it will go into slavery to Russia or Syria or some other country, or criminal gangs like in Haiti.
God says
Carazaa · F
@Annie13 Their flags all have crosses standing for the cross of christ! Here is my home.

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val70 · 51-55
@Holidaze Good for you for not caring, but I wasn't talking to you in the first place. Like I've already told two people on this posting already on three different occasions go through the literature and website of the American Atheists for one first. I don't need you to believe me, but I need everyone to accept my basic rights. Moreover, I don't care about anyone lying about there's "zero rational support" either. End of discussion
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val70 · 51-55
@Emosaur Blocked. I have the blessing of SW. Peace be with you!

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