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The Meaning of the Bible as I see it

What's the meaning of the Bible? What's it about? It can be summed up very simply as this: the vindication of Jehovah God's name through the ransom sacrifice of Christ Jesus.

I can explain this further with first a short answer. The tree of the knowledge of good and bad represented, to Adam, Jehovah God's sovereignty. That is, his right, as our creator, to decide for us what was good and what was bad until we, like children, matured to the point where we could do that for ourselves within the parameters of that sovereignty. Knowledge is facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. The knowledge in this case is experience. Good and bad had been defined by Jehovah and at that point was very simple. Fill the earth and subdue it, that was good. Don't touch or eat the fruit of the tree, that was bad. The knowledge Adam and Eve had acquired was the decision to decide for themselves what was good and what was bad. That's why they suddenly considered nudity to be bad. (Genesis 2:25; 3:6-11)

The footnote to Genesis 2:17 in the 1966 Jerusalem Bible explains it really well: "This knowledge is a privilege which God reserves to himself and which man, by sinning, is to lay hands on, Genesis 3:5, 22. Hence it does not mean omniscience, which fallen man does not possess; nor is it moral discrimination, for unfallen man already had it and God could not refuse it to a rational being. It is the power of deciding for himself what is good and what is evil and of acting accordingly, a claim to complete moral independence by which man refuses to recognise his status as a created being. The first sin was an attack on God’s sovereignty, a sin of pride."

The long answer explains it further by giving you a more accurate understanding of the Bible and so, hopefully, allowing you to more fully understand the meaning of the short answer.

God created Michael first. Then Michael, as Jehovah's master worker, created everything through Jehovah's Holy Spirit or active force. (Genesis 1:26; 3:22; Proverbs 8:22-31; Colossians 1:15-17; John 8:23; 17:5) The word Holy means sacred, or belonging to God. Spirit means an invisible active force, like wind, breath, mental inclination. Something that we can't see but that produces results that we can see. So, the holy spirit is God's active force, invisible to us. The first thing that Michael, through Jehovah's holy spirit, created was the spiritual heavens. This was followed by the spirit beings, often called angels. (Job 38:4-7) Then the physical heavens, or space as we know it, including Earth, the stars, sun and moon and finally everything on Earth eventually concluding with Adam and Eve.

The angels existed for a very long time before man was created, and they had time to mature, like children, so that they knew what was good and bad from their creator. It is important that you understand that being created perfect is much like being born a baby. Parents see their newborn children as perfect, but think about it. They can't walk, talk, feed themselves, go to the bathroom properly - they are bald, toothless, chubby, defenseless little creatures. Perfect in the sense that they have great potential and innocence.

By the time man was created the angels had already reached their potential.

On the seventh day, when the creation was complete, God "rested." This doesn't mean that God was tired or that he stopped working, it means he set aside a period of time in which we were allowed to mature, as the angels had done. When we would have accomplished this, we could, as the Bible says, enter into God's Day of rest. In other words, the seventh "day" or more accurately, period of creation, continues to this day. So, the knowledge of what is good and what is bad is the eventual possession of that maturity. The ability to decide for ourselves what was good and what was bad, predicated upon an acknowledgement of our own accord, of our creator, Jehovah's rightful sovereignty. (Psalm 95:11; Isaiah 40:28; John 5:17; Romans 8:22; Hebrews 4:1-5)

This is why, once Adam rejected that concept by deciding for himself what was good and bad before he had matured enough to best do that, Jehovah had to shorten his life from living forever to eventually dying. Because if he and his offspring, mankind, were allowed to live forever under those conditions, they would never reach that maturity and they would bring about an endless series of chaos and destruction.

So, in effect, Satan charged Jehovah with the crime of withholding some knowledge from mankind. He knew this wasn't true, but he wanted to try and seize control of the power that Jehovah's sovereignty represented even if it meant destroying all that it represented and everything else in the process. Even destroying himself. Like a jealous child breaking a toy so no one else can have it.

But to Jehovah justice is very important. You can't just wave away a crime due to the damage that has been incurred. So, he allowed the charges against him to be tried, as in a court of law. He allowed Satan's theory to be tested in a manner of speaking. With the stipulation that 1. he wasn't going to allow it to prevent his original purpose for the angels and mankind from being fulfilled beyond what was necessary to establish his defense. That they should live forever in peace, in heaven and on earth respectively. And 2. that justice would be done.

So immediately after Adam's sin Jehovah put in motion the plan for all of this to take place while Satan's theory was being tested. In a basic sense the steps were as follows.

1. Select a group of people.
2. Form a nation for those people.
3. Demonstrate to them what was going on by establishing a law which they couldn't keep due to their imperfection, or the incomplete nature of their lack of the aforementioned maturity.
4. Provide a way out through a Messiah or Christ, namely, Michael, who volunteered due to his love for mankind and his father, Jehovah's purpose. So, Michael came to earth as a man, Jesus the Christ.

One final point of consideration regarding mankind. From Jehovah's perspective the life he created, the life he gave us, is sacred. You may recall that sacred means belonging to God. According to the Bible our soul is our life, represented by our blood, so blood is sacred. To kill someone, or take their soul, requires the payment of the killer's own soul because it is taking something sacred to Jehovah. So, the blood sacrifices represented a respect for or acknowledgement of his created life granted to us. For example, if a person was found murdered and no one knew who did the killing then they had to sacrifice a bull and spill its blood on the ground as a symbolic acknowledgement of God's possession. Sacred life. A sort of gesture of justice. (Deuteronomy 21:1-9)

Since we inherited sin through Adam then the only man who could pay the price for the blood of Adam, which had been perfect and without sin from the start until he did sin - was the blood of a man who was without sin.
DocSavage · M
SemmelweisReflex · 51-55, M
@BlueSkyKing First of all, smart asses who think that the Bible is mythology and fiction are a dime a dozen. I've seen that with my own eyes. What they need to do before they tell me about mythology and fiction is quite simple. They need to learn more about mythology and fiction.

I've debated college professors from Jerusalem who didn't know their asses from a hole in the ground because they were dumb enough to think that being a scholar on the subject would make them knowledgeable. All it did was fill their head with tradition. Dawkins is an idiot. All you have to do is listen to him talk about the Bible and religion to see that. People like you listen to him. What does that tell you?

Even Hitchens, who at least was sensible and intelligent and possessed a modicum of integrity did a book tour with Al Sharpton. What does that tell you about the state of affairs? People like Hitchens and Dawkins make money off God. Like Jim and Tammy Baker did. You can't find truth in books or in schools. You can't find it very often in people. Scholars or lay people. You can't find truth in truth. You have to look through a thing to see it.

If you want to learn about fish in the Amazon you go to the people who live on the Amazon. If there is a sensible ichthyologist that's what he does. I can get more from Wikipedia than I can from someone like Dawkins. And in at least some sense, I can get more from lay people than there. I wanted you to teach me evolution because I wanted to know why you believe in evolution. Not evolution itself.

I got what I came for. I didn't really have that answer coming into this. I didn't expect it. There was more to it than I suspected, at least. It's disappointing, as truth often is.

I've always wanted to say this . . . ahem . . .

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Strange place to keep the family bible. How do you turn the pages , with your nose or your tongue?

And it’s still just a snake
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Thank you for your succinct summary of your particular sect, whatever it is. All you mean really is "I believe in God via my own interpretation of the Bible."
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@ArishMell It's unfortunately stronger than that. He believes that you and I belong to his god as well.
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ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@AkioTsukino As the remark was clearly addressed to @ArishMell and you are the only other person in the thread I think it's obvious that the he in my remark refers to you.
Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
Thank the gods I don’t need this book and it’s dogma.
Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
@AkioTsukino Are you okay? Why did you say childish? I didn’t call you childish…are you having a convo with someone else?
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Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
@AkioTsukino No worries 🙂
One thing that seems common is everyone has a Me-ology. An individual take on what their religion does and doesn’t.
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DocSavage · M

In the original story. The only sin Adam committed was stealing a few apples. Your god is a drama queen
Are you mainly a creationist or do you believe in evolution?

Given the choice by compulsion, by threat of death, of either joining some religious, social or political group, or having a full frontal lobotomy I would have to think real hard about it.

We have a lifetime to figure things out; if you think (which you probably don't) that that is enough time for any of us to completely know just about anything of significance I believe you're in for a disappointment. We will spend most of our lives being wrong most of the time. Which is why we have science. If it weren't true we wouldn't need science.

I don't identify as Christian and certainly not as a "Creationist." I believe we were created. I don't believe evolution.

I am an evolutionist. There are countless examples of on-going evolution right before our eyes, if we simply look.

Yes. Everything changes. To say that is the theory of evolution is misleading. I think intentionally so. The thing evolving most about evolution is what exactly evolution itself is. I have given the example of the pepper moth.

IMO, creationists believe in a static world where nothing changes. Most people know that almost everything is always changing. Horseshoe crabs have been pretty constant. Today's horseshoe crabs are barely different from the ones of 450 million years ago. Humans are different, We are physically evolving at this very minute, with some growing a new artery in their forearms.

The rib. Taken from Adam. Ribs regrow. That doesn't mean we evolved from a "common ancestor." Humans were always humans. They're not apes just because someone sees similarities in them. An ape is an ape and a human is a human. We all know this. It's fact.

When people use that fact to jump to the conclusion that we, as humans, were once apes, they are lying. No one has ever seen this. It isn't fact.

So, someone says that isn't what evolution is. Well what is it? Don't conflate what it is with poorly constructed speculation that changes like fashion. By the time you figure out what nonsense it was it has changed to something else over and over. And even then it's like complicated economic jargon that makes no real sense and is designed that way. Oh, you're just ignorant. Everyone knows what the latest jargon is. No. Only a handful of people who need to be funded and atheistic morons.

The theory reminds of of 42.

Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@AkioTsukino That's an interesting analysis. You are wrong about ribs regrowing. I believe the only part of the body that will regrow is the liver.

Since you believe in creation, who or what do you think did the creating? Do you have any thoughts on why the creator entity has stopped creating stuff? Imagine having such power and the getting lazy. I would create a flying blue whale that could fly at least six thousand miles non-stop at thirty five thousand feet altitude.

What would you create?
That's an interesting analysis. You are wrong about ribs regrowing. I believe the only part of the body that will regrow is the liver.

Ribs regenerate to a near normal radiological profile within 6 months of costectomy when gel foam scaffold is placed in the rib bed. Rib regeneration in patients without gel foam scaffold is slower and poorer in quality.,slower%20and%20poorer%20in%20quality.

Since you believe in creation, who or what do you think did the creating?


Do you have any thoughts on why the creator entity has stopped creating stuff? Imagine having such power and the getting lazy.

"Jesus said to them, 'My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working.'" - John 5:17

"Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard? The God of the age - Jehovah, Preparer of the ends of the earth, Is not wearied nor fatigued, There is no searching of His understanding." - Isaiah 40:28

I would create a flying blue whale that could fly at least six thousand miles non-stop at thirty five thousand feet altitude.

What would you create?

I would create a new Earth, where sickness, disease and death are no more.

Where I lack in originality I make up for in practicality.
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ninalanyon · 61-69, T
what is evil and of acting accordingly, a claim to complete moral independence by which man refuses to recognise his status as a created being
So, if we ever succeed in creating a genuine artificial intelligence we will reasonably expect it to be forever subservient to us?
So, if we ever succeed in creating a genuine artificial intelligence we will reasonably expect it to be forever subservient to us?

Is that comparable? We aren't Jehovah and AI wouldn't be us. Could we expect that? I don't know. We would have to look closely at it.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@AkioTsukino Yes it is comparable. You seem to be claiming that we should be subservient to your god because he created us. I claim that that is at best arguable and in reality a non sequitur.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@ninalanyon Any so-called "artificial intelligence" is no more than a computer programme, with both machine and code made by people for other people's purposes. It comes with an option called the "On/Off Switch"; although probably unavailable to everyone it affects.

It also means though what whatever its consequences for good or ill, we cannot evade responsibility for its purposes, its making, use and results.

Unlike religions, which are invented by humans and provide convenient evasions of responsibility for man-made control and coercion. Usually but not solely, literally "man"-made, too.

Yet unlike commercial imperatives for us to live by "smart"-'phone, religion has an "on/off switch" for all of its users in a free society. We don't have to believe in any god - although there are some people insecure enough to think it their right to insist you do, and some appalling regimes around the world that either enforce or oppress it.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
The Bible doesn't say that Eve was made from Adam's rib. It says that she was made out of his flesh. Thus Adam's response when he saw her.
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@AkioTsukino The word used in the Hebrew doesn't mean rib. It means from the side.
@hippyjoe1955 It does mean rib. Or side, timber or plank.
I see gobspeed had to make another account.
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Diotrephes · 70-79, M
The meaning of the Bible is to teach complete obedience and total loyalty to the Boss without whining about it.
@BackyardShaman you're no different just a cult of hate

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