BlueSkyKing · M
It reads just like the other mythologies. The Bible isn’t a history book.
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Charity · 56-60
There are some in time prophecies that have not been quite fulfilled.
The Nile and the Euphrates river will prophesy to dry up ""it didn't say when it just said it would"" and guess what both are drying up.,its%20supply%20of%20Nile%20water.
And Damascus as much war that is going on over there in Syria the time is going to come when Syria will look like Ukraine or Palestine. But as with the rivers it did not give a specific time when the event will happen, there are many more wars to come, and before it's all said and done there will be a world war III over in that land, according to some interpretations of scripture. And with the weapons they use today much much destruction.
There are some in time prophecies that have not been quite fulfilled.
The Nile and the Euphrates river will prophesy to dry up ""it didn't say when it just said it would"" and guess what both are drying up.,its%20supply%20of%20Nile%20water.
And Damascus as much war that is going on over there in Syria the time is going to come when Syria will look like Ukraine or Palestine. But as with the rivers it did not give a specific time when the event will happen, there are many more wars to come, and before it's all said and done there will be a world war III over in that land, according to some interpretations of scripture. And with the weapons they use today much much destruction.
BlueSkyKing · M
@Charity You’re making excuses. All of the fulfilled prophecies of the Bible only occur in that fictional book. None have any independent confirmation.
Charity · 56-60
@BlueSkyKing think as you want to think Blue sky King.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
"While there are anecdotal stories and rare instances of close encounters, the anatomical and behavioral characteristics of whales make it highly improbable for them to swallow a human whole and digest it. Baleen whales, with their filter-feeding mechanisms, do not possess a throat large enough to swallow large things like humans. Toothed whales have larger throats, but do not exhibit behavior that suggests they would see humans as prey, and their throats are still too small to swallow us whole. Most interactions between humans and whales are peaceful and often driven by mutual curiosity."
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
@Charity The scientists say NO whale can swallow a human being whole; they might bite or nip a person, but a Jonah-like swallowing isn't possible, even if Youtube claims it's so.
Charity · 56-60
Do some research on sperm whales sperm whales have throats big enough to swallow humans.
Do some research on sperm whales sperm whales have throats big enough to swallow humans.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
@Charity Yes, evidently a sperm whale is the only whale with an esophagus big enough to swallow a human whole, but there is no record of it ever happening that I can find.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Or you could simply read the text as written. Jonah was swallowed by a 'great fish' died and was later vomited out onto dry land where he was brought back to life. Jesus spoke of the sign of Jonah when He spoke about His time when He was dead and buried and came back to life.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Charity Only in your dreams. Jesus spent three days in the earth just as Jonah spent three days in the fish. Hmmmmm
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Charity Go look at the shroud of Turin. The burial cloth of Christ show a man in rigour mortis. Jesus was dead.
Charity · 56-60
@hippyjoe1955 not in my dreams, you lack understanding scripture. The three days that Jesus spent in what we call the Earth or the gravein he was actually in the place that is called hell retrieving those souls there and taking the keys from the devil.
Jesus has the keys of hell
As far as the shroud of Turin it hasn't been proven 100% that it is the cloth that Jesus was wrapped in. There is much controversy around it, and I have been studying info on it since information was released in the 1960s.
Jesus has the keys of hell
As far as the shroud of Turin it hasn't been proven 100% that it is the cloth that Jesus was wrapped in. There is much controversy around it, and I have been studying info on it since information was released in the 1960s.
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JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@Charity What is your meaning? Are you saying that Jonah actually went into a God made submarine?
Charity · 56-60
@JimboSaturn those are your words not mine I never indicated Jonah in the whale had anything to do with the state of the world today.
But then I see what your antics are.
But then I see what your antics are.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@Charity "Antics"? Please elaborate in a coherent manner what is your point
Charity · 56-60
@JimboSaturn coherent there's nothing incoherent about what I said or the usage of the word antics if you don't know what it mean look it up.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
Well submarines are designed to keep people alive underwater, while whales and fish are not.
Charity · 56-60
@JimboSaturn did you or did you not get my meaning, I don't think so!
Charity · 56-60
@JimboSaturn "ditto