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I am Yrger theist asking atheists about the origin of mankind.

I am Yrger theist, for me the origin of mankind is God, the permanent self-existent creator and operator of man and the universe and everything that is not God Himself.

So, hi atheists, what is the origin of mankind?
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Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
Woden killed the giant Ymir, and made the land from his bones, the seas from his blood and air from his dying breath.

Some might think this fantastical. But there is another god who claims to have made the world on the first day, and then light on the second day - which when think about it is a terrible work ethic. Building in the dark.
DocSavage · M
He also created the human race from two trees. Don’t forget that part.
Belladonna · 41-45, F
It's evolution, baby.

DocSavage · M
It should be understood before you answer, that when he says the origin of mankind, he is talking about from the very first subatomic particle prior to the Big Bang.

I have already explained the basics of both abiogenesis and evolution . He has ignored both.( which is why he started this post ) if you wish to answer the question, be prepared to go back before the existence of time and space.
Also, do not expect answers from @yrgersckofshit himself. He only has one, and he still can’t make it work. And he doesn’t accept evidence of any kind. So it’s a waste of time.
yrger · 80-89, M

I am asking you DocSavage the question, did everything start from nothingness, your answer should be yes or no, and not to talk about anything else.

That is what I always notice you do, evade he question by bringing in other matters like god and universe.

Hi reades, I tell you DocSavage will continue to skirt out of the question, did everything start from nothingness.

DocSavage · M
Now I like to ask you, did everything start from nothingness?

Sure, if god can do it, so can the rest of the universe
There’s no reason it can’t
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@yrger He directly answered your question, dipshit. This is why I don't bother with you anymore. Even when you do get answers to your questions, you pretend everybody's too stupid to be on the same level as you. You're pathetic.
DocSavage · M
You really want to get him going. Keep throwing alternative theories at him. He can’t prove his own, he can’t refute any one else’s.
DocSavage · M
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yrger · 80-89, M

Hi Emjay, I like your rhymes.

Emjay · 18-21, F
Turn away from reason
And turn to God
Don't aim for genius
Merely plod
DocSavage · M
Hi reades, I tell you DocSavage will continue to skirt out of the question, did everything start from nothingness.

Ultimately, yes. If god is self existing, then something caused him to self exist, as an agent for creation. Once you figure out who or what created your god. You’ll have to learn if it was self existing . Someone had to give your god the instructions. You can’t expect your god to come up with a blueprint for the universe, when he has nothing to use for construction.
So, you keep going back , eventually you’ll find the subatomic particle that led to god’s ultimate existence. Or at least that little spark of energy that began a glimmer of a spirit.
DocSavage · M
default status of reality is God
No so.
God hasn’t been shown to exist independently. You’re using our existence as evidence of something that can not be show to exist independently.
Prove god exist. Without using creation. You can’t. But you can still show creation. And since creations can out last creators, god is not permanent. We can exist without his continued presence.
Emjay · 18-21, F
Turn away from reason
And turn to God
Don't aim for genius
Merely plod
DocSavage · M
Another word of warning. yrgersack of shit claims his god is not the same as the biblical god. It is not affiliated with any religion. So don’t think scripture.
DocSavage · M
for me the origin of mankind is God, the permanent self-existent creator and operator of man and the universe and everything that is not God Himself.

And why should anyone care ?
It’s not like there is any evidence or proof that your god exist. If he’s the operator of everything, then he’s responsible for all the pain and misery in the world as well. And he doesn’t even offer us an afterlife. He can’t judge us, he won’t give you heaven or throw you into hell. Morality means nothing to him, and he does nothing to help or guide humanity.
We’re better off without him.
DocSavage · M
It's not the universe because the universe has a beginning, it is created by God.

Not according to you. You regressed the rest of population down to the very first particle, which was created from and by god. God came from nothing , so if you go back one more step. God is part of the creation process, not the start of it. Someone or something created god to do a job.
No one ever showed god was the only one of his kind. There can be an entire race of them.
DocSavage · M
LordShadowfire has a point. If god exist, and is keeping an eye on us, it makes sense he would use a human identity. Anyone of us could be a god in disguise.
If we can’t prove god doesn’t exist, you can’t prove Shadowfire isn’t god.
yrger · 80-89, M

Wrong answer as usual from you DocSavage the evasive scaredstiff atheist.

You will fail in an essay type university examination on clear focused reading and thinking.

The correct answer to the question, did everything start from nothing, is no.

And the explanation is because the default status of reality is existence, and this default status of reality is God the permanent self-existent creator and operator of everything that is not God Himself, but created by God.

It's not the universe because the universe has a beginning, it is created by God.

Here, read the latest news on the cosmic microwave background radiation.

That goes for all mala fide* atheists.

*mala fide, opposite of bona fide i.e in good faith. You all atheists are always without good faith meaning you guys are liars to yourselves first and then to mankind.

DocSavage · M
Now I like to ask you, did everything start from nothingness?

Sure, if god can do it, so can the rest of the universe
There’s no reason it can’t
DocSavage · M
*mala fide, opposite of bona fide i.e in good faith. You all atheists are always without good faith meaning you guys are liars to yourselves first and then to mankind.

SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Q: What is the origin of mankind?
A: I do not know. No one, not a single person on Earth, ever, knows the answer to that question.

Next question?
DocSavage · M
OK, yrger tell us where is your god ?
yrger · 80-89, M

What ever you atheist DocSavage state against God, that still does not prove that God does not exist, as the permanent self-existent creator and operator of everything that is not God Himself.

So, prove that God does not exist according to my concept of God, or keep quiet and just read, don't write.

It is just that you have grudges against God.

That is all atheists have, grudges against God.

DocSavage · M

for me the origin of mankind is God, the permanent self-existent creator and operator of man and the universe and everything that is not God Himself.

And why should anyone care ?
It’s not like there is any evidence or proof that your god exist. If he’s the operator of everything, then he’s responsible for all the pain and misery in the world as well. And he doesn’t even offer us an afterlife. He can’t judge us, he won’t give you heaven or throw you into hell. Morality means nothing to him, and he does nothing to help or guide humanity.
We’re better off without him.
DocSavage · M
What ever you atheist DocSavage state against God, that still does not prove that God does not exist, as the permanent self-existent creator and operator of everything that is not God Himself.

Who cares. Like you, he’s totally impotent.he doesn’t do anything that you couldn’t call chance and circumstances . He’s not there, because he’s not there. Who needs him ?
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi atheists, you have not read the latest news on the cosmic microwave background radiation, it proves God exists as the permanent self-existent creator and operator of everythig that is not God Himself.
ElRengo · 70-79, M
He seems to be one having less elaborated intellectual resources between the crowd with the same "mission". His "post and go" is not alike some bots with a limmited repertoire of reactions.
Anyhow almost all of them have a basic set of assumptions that are not exclusive of religious minds.
The most characteristic is that the subjective precedes the things in themselves, an old philosophic branch.
A bit like what once was Vitalism in Biology, some noumen / inmaterial "principle" (Life) that makes things be what they are. It of course entails the use of word based "kinds" like Being and others alike.
That´s why they implicitelly insist in the "interpretation" of phenomena (which implies to understand something mind-like) but resist to explain (what put instead focus in the causal).
You can trace almost the same also in some other relativelly more educated users of same group.
DocSavage · M
I’ve see the routine before watching a debate with Richard Dawkins. The theist he was up against, saw nothing wrong with having no evidence for god. As long as there was nothing conclusive to disprove god. Yrger is trying the same thing, by denying anything other than our own existence of a creator.
ElRengo · 70-79, M
True my friend.
Anyhow I was pointing to another source of the same, a one shared by various classic schools of thought regardless the specific religious debate.
If you can scratch the appearances you´ll see the same as almost autonomous from theology.
As some that not being theists theorize that behind materiality and in the Beginining there was.....Math! (or some other updated Plato-like "pattern").
One of the predecesors of Science as we know it, Leonardo, debated the validity of use of the word "raggioni" (reason for) traditionally equated with causation by those times neo platonists that were not even theological thinkers.
Just saying.......
yrger · 80-89, M
Thanks everyone for you participation.

Now I like to ask you, did everything start from nothingness?
DocSavage · M
How does something self exist ?
Logically, that should be impossible, so how did god do it ?
DocSavage · M
Now I like to ask you, did everything start from nothingness?

Sure, if god can do it, so can the rest of the universe
There’s no reason it can’t
ElRengo · 70-79, M
I´m not an atheist.
But all points to SW as origin.😄
@ElRengo You might be onto something. Where on God's green Earth are you going to find such a high density of such primitive organisms?
ElRengo · 70-79, M
There are yes a lot of Archea like myself.
Others are soooooo sophisticated that end being predictable.
Caeterīs pāribus, of course......
ElRengo · 70-79, M
In another reasearch area, have you considered the Big Woman Purse Theory?
DocSavage · M
Oh ! Wait, you said god was spirit, didn’t you . How about here ?
He’s somewhere, isn’t he ?
yrger · 80-89, M

Hi baminton, what then is the origin of nature?

Hi Belladonna, what then is the origin of evolution?

badminton · 61-69, MVIP
You say God, I say nature.

Belladonna · 36-40, F
It's evolution, baby.
DocSavage · M
We’ve been over that already : self replication. Not self existence that would be impossible.
There are no exceptions to that rule.
DocSavage · M
[@yrgersackof shit
What is the origin of god ? If everything has an ultimate cause and beginning, so does god. What is it. And where is the evidence ?
DocSavage · M
Hi atheists, you have not read the latest news on the cosmic microwave background radiation, it proves God exists as the permanent self-existent creator and operator of everything that is not God Himself.
No it doesn’t
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
You say God, I say nature.
DocSavage · M
He’ll tell you god is nature. And still intelligent design.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi atheists, you have not read the latest news on the cosmic microwave background radiation, it proves God exists as the permanent self-existent creator and operator of everything that is not God Himself.
Why are you worried about the origin of another species. You're not even a human yourself. lol
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@canusernamebemyusername I'm legitimately think it's an experimental AI.
DocSavage · M
Can’t be AI. He hasn’t demonstrated any intelligence real or artificial.
DocSavage · M
What ever you atheist DocSavage state against God, that still does not prove that God does not exist, as the permanent self-existent creator and operator of everything that is not God Himself.
So, prove that God does not exist according to my concept of God, or keep quiet and just read, don't write.
Simple : the god according to yrger, does not exist. Physically, theoretically, or even Hypothetically. Not even mythologically
There, as much proof as you have provided. I see no reason why you should not be subject to your own standards of evidence.
You can refute this claim by providing evidence of it’s independent existence. Otherwise, it’s not there, because it’s not there.
yrger · 80-89, M

Hi LordShadowfire, you are scared to death to answer my questions, why? Because God is starring eyeball to eyeball at you.

That goes for all atheists also.

Here again is my foremost question to all you atheist guys:
"Did everything start from nothingness, yes or no?"

LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
I don't bother answering your questions, because you're too brain damaged to understand the answers. That's why you keep repeating the questions after they've been answered for you.
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DocSavage · M
yrger · 80-89, M
To all atheists, you have not answered my question to you:
"Here again is my foremost question to all you atheist guys:
"Did everything start from nothingness, yes or no?"

you just keep on and on and on with a lot of worthless blah blah blah.
DocSavage · M
yrger · 80-89, M

Hi LordShadowfire, suppose you answer the question from me:
"Now I like to ask you, did everything start from nothingness?"

Please answer my question, don't evade it. Don't get paranoid.

LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@yrger He directly answered your question, dipshit. This is why I don't bother with you anymore. Even when you do get answers to your questions, you pretend everybody's too stupid to be on the same level as you. You're pathetic.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@yrger I don't bother answering your questions, because you're too brain damaged to understand the answers. That's why you keep repeating the questions after they've been answered for you.
DocSavage · M
DocSavage · M
That is all atheists have, grudges against God.
Atheist don’t have a grudge against god. Aside from the fact that if he i did exist, he’s a selfish, cruel, narcissistic bastard.
However, that is irrelevant. You have to prove he’s responsible for us being here first, before Atheist could even be pissed off at him.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I am Lord Shadowfire the Sarcastic. Can you prove that I am not the creator of the universe?
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I am Lord Shadowfire the Sarcastic. Can you prove that I am not the creator of the universe?
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I am Lord Shadowfire the Sarcastic. Can you prove that I am not the creator of the universe?
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Dunno, but the origin of the first dog is more fascinating and mysterious. I'm telling you, a pig fucked a wolf.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I don't bother answering your questions, because you're too brain damaged to understand the answers. That's why you keep repeating the questions after they've been answered for you.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
To the bullshit artist @yrger, you have not answered my question. I am Lord Shadowfire the Sarcastic. Can you prove that I am not the creator of the universe?
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
To the bullshit artist @yrger, you have not answered my question. I am Lord Shadowfire the Sarcastic. Can you prove that I am not the creator of the universe?
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