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Chesterton on Atheism

Classic fallacy: if you do not believe X, then you must believe this straw man I've created for you.
No. You don't get to define what other people believe or don't believe. That's really cheap in terms of respect for other humans.
Mathers · 61-69
You are quite wrong of course in that we don’t. We just get on with doing the job. What do you do about it? Practically instead of just raving on the Internet?@rob19
Sharon · F
You are quite wrong of course...
You are @Speedyman and I claim my £10
val70 · 51-55
@rob19 Are you going to treat me as something special, totally different than you? What are you then? What nationality, what belief, where did your family orginate from? I could go on and on. You get the gist of it, I hope. I've never let anyone, not even christians, run a muck with the rights and obligations of others. Only in my own bible group before Christmas I stuck up for overtly homosexuals in my own church. Not the sole time that happened. At times I wonder why people are indeed so intollerant. I asked them if they could quote me passages from the Bible where it says anything similar about women. Of course not, because either society or the culture at the time was different. A christian that doesn't move with the times in a good christian way has a dead soul. That's my own personal opinion. I don't go around blackening someone's name just because they either are or belong to something
“You believe in a book that has talking animals, wizards, witches, demons, sticks turning into snakes, burning bushes, food falling from the sky, people walking on water, and all sorts of magical, absurd and primitive stories, and you say that we are the ones that need help?”
― Mark Twain
Mathers · 61-69
Because Twain was a narrow minded naterialistic child of the Enlightenment that does not apply to us all. @BlueSkyKing
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Mathers So, you don't believe in the Bible?
Mathers · 61-69
You are an absolute bore aren’t you? An intellectual dud? @LordShadowfire
“Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” - Voltaire
@Mathers LOL "true Christianity." You're literally engaging in the "no true Scotsman" argument. I could just as easily say that "true Islam" is spread peacefully, and "true atheists" have never harmed anyone.

I already admitted that Christians are being persecuted in some countries. You said that "most Christians" are being persecuted, which is either a lie or a mistake on your part. However, Christians aren't the only people being persecuted today. In some countries, being an atheist is a death sentence. Are you concerned about that, or you're only concerned when it's your people being persecuted? I'm against all religious persecution.

Most of the Christians being persecuted today are in the Middle East, and are Orthodox Christians. Do you even consider Orthodox Christianity to be a valid denomination? You've already admitted that you think Mormonism is fake. I can only imagine your opinion of Catholicism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Coptic, not to mention Episcopal, Metropolitan Community Church, Quakers, and other denominations that aren't hard-core fundamentalist Protestant.
Mathers · 61-69
You are just spouting your usual non-information. Some of us happened to have been to these countries. Of course there were aspects of Christendom that was spread by the sword but you’re talking about things which were not the kingdom of God as preached by Jesus if you know anything about his teaching. A Christian is someone who has a living relationship with Jesus Christ. That is all@LeopoldBloom
@Mathers I've been to some of those countries, too. At least you are now admitting that in some places, Christianity was spread through violence. If your definition of "Christian" is "someone who has a living relationship with Jesus Christ," that would include many of the people who spread it violently. It would also include Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Coptic, Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, Episcopal, United Church of Christ, Quaker, Mennonite, and every other Christian denomination.

Interestingly, the term "personal relationship with Jesus" originated with 17th century German Pietists. In many denominations, the believer's relationship with Jesus is also through their participation in a faith community.
BlueVeins · 22-25
Sounds pretty weak.
RosaMarie · 41-45, F
I am a proud athiest. I believe in the laws of the natural world. Physics, chemistry, and mathematics are my beliefs and they serve me well.
Mathers · 61-69
I have degrees in these subjects and they serve me well. I just marvel at the rational mind behind them - as dod Newton, Kepler et al. Btw what is there to be proud about in being an atheist? You are just an accident! @RosaMarie
RosaMarie · 41-45, F
@Mathers If having a degree instead of just general knowledge is of critical importance to you, then I'll assure you that my degrees in Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry cover physics, math, and chemistry quite well. We are all just statistics. A predictable result given sufficient time, resources, and conditions.
Mathers · 61-69
Then don’t you think that the very fact that you believe in a rational universe should indicate that there is a rationale behind the universe and the very fact that you believe in a mechanism should indicate there is an agency?@RosaMarie
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Mathers · 61-69
You have presented no evidence. Hence you appear as the brick wall, @Lynda70
rob19 · M
Of course Christians have offered evidence.
Lots of christians keep repeating that claim but not one has actually presented that evidence. It's like it doesn't exist.

The evidence for the resurrection of Christ is very strong historical evidence
Where? What is that evidence? I'd like to examine it myself.
Mathers · 61-69
Read ‘Who moved the Stone’ by Frank Morison or ‘Surprised by Hope’ by Tom Wright @rob19
rob19 · M
@Mathers That's just speculation. I want to see real, verifiable, evidence.
redredred · M
That’s a brainless accusation to make against skeptics. This old fool has a very undeserved reputation for intelligence.
Ynotisay · M
You really get off on this shit, huh? What do you get from it? Is it just attention? Can't relate. But I do know, according to the cult book, you're going to be toast in the made up afterlife. Your god isn't on board with this kind of thing. Have fun with that.
for those who do not believe in alpha, omega does not exist either. only legion.
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Mathers · 61-69
So what authority is that you are appealing to? 😂😂😂@LordShadowfire
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Mathers I was attempting to appeal to your common sense. I now see the error of that, as you don't have any.
Mathers · 61-69
How is that irrelevant nonsense appealing to common sense? @LordShadowfire

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