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The Solar System

This video shows the relative sizes of the largest bodies orbiting the sun.

Of the "dwarf planets" listed, Ceres is in the asteroid belt, and the others are in the Kuiper Belt, which contains Pluto and many bodies beyond Pluto.

I saw that the other day and in fact, watched it twice. Amazing video. I wish everyone would see it. It shows intelligent design and God's eye for beauty and creation. He holds all the stars and planets in place.

Psalm 8:3 - "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have ordained; What is man, that you are mindful of him? And the son of man, that you have visited him?
For my kids' elementary school classes I once made a billioin-to-one scale model of the solar system and had the kids help lay it out on the play fields around the school

The Sun was a cardboard ring about 55" in diameter.
Earth was a 1/2" marble, and the moon was a little squashed ball of tinfoil maybe 15" away.
Earth to Sun distance = 491 feet!
Earth to Mars distance = 686 feet!

We didn't have room for Jupiter - nearly half a mile, and Uranus 1.8 miles away!! But they did get a sense of how much empty space there is in the Solar system.
4meAndyou · F
I've actually seen this somewhere before. It's quite amazing how small earth is, in comparison to other planets.
Zaphod42 · 46-50, M
And to think, all the other stuff in the solar system is just 0.2% of the total mass of the solar system, with the sun being 99.8%
Here's one video made for kids, with a very mechanical, yet addicting tune.

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