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Astrology is..

Poll - Total Votes: 17
Yea real bullshit
Bullshit but fun lol
Um.. i'm not sure about this
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Amylynne · 26-30, F
I know my answer,, not real is unpopulare but
mercury NEVER gtoes backward
the SUN is the center of the solar system not the earth
it causes a lot of unconscious bigotry

who of those that believe practice the greaco-roman religion??
bt i will not shame or argue untill it start to affect the lves of those aroudn
It’s a first cousin to racism and sexism. Great for making excuses and avoiding personal responsibility. I cringe when some celebrity gives credit to their birth sign.
Ofcourse its real. There are other worlds beside earth.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
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