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I'd love to know the actual story behind this painting

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Matt85 · 36-40, M
kids always be giving cats trouble
JustNik · 51-55, F
The cat’s happy cuz it’s about to get a fish? or maybe the cat already had the fish that was supposed to be the girl’s dinner and that’s not a happy face but rather agony cuz she’s crushing its paw and she looks satisfied because now she’s having cat and fish for dinner. Either way it seems to be the final portrait of something.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@JustNik On the other hand, considering how long she would have had to pose for, I wonder how many dead fish are piled up off to the side of her!
Ferric67 · M
Maybe the cat was trying to eat the fish and she was separating the two
Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
@Ferric67 that's my guess
DrWatson · 70-79, M
The authors of art history books could get some writing tips from you!
A quick google search got me this

Four-Year-Old Girl with Cat and Fish (1647) by Jacob Gerritsz Cuyp (1594 - 1652), Dutch Golden Age painter

Also, "Cuyp was the most important portraitist in Dordrecht during the first half of the seventeenth century"
Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
@ElwoodBlues but why a fish and a cat tho?
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues Of course he was the most important portraitist. He was the only one who could cajole a girl to stand in place holding a fish and a cat! With talent like that, the man was bound to go places!
@Girlbehindthecurtain Now that you have the title, artist, city, and date, see what else you can find and report back to us😂🤣
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
That gave me a good laugh!
RoxClymer · 41-45, M
my bet is on that being a woman not a child ...... and even back in the day, they had a sense of humor
BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M
This painting just wreaks of future politician or something equally sinister ...
chillout17 · 31-35, M

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