LaLumieri · 51-55, F
As a seasoned veteran of life or at least someone who has a few years on you LOL you will certainly yearn again and I agree it is possible to become too comfortable in life which makes it harder when it comes to that old adage that nothing is set in stone. I hope for your sake and for everyone else who has their day cut out for them that life remains a constant familiar and if there are changes let them also be comfortable ones and easy transitions.
want to talk?
being · 36-40, F
It's possible and super easy to reverse it too 😜
nonsensiclesnail · F
if you are content, is that really such a bad thing?
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
@nonsensiclesnail I don't think it's bad at all, but something about the idea of being a permanent bachelor doesn't sit well with me
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Yep agree
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
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