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I need to get this off my chest.

I'm really frustrated right now. A few months ago, I started feeding our neighbor’s dog, and it’s been a no-brainer for me because I love dogs and can't stand to see any of them go hungry. I’ve accepted that I rarely see her owner because of work, but I just found out that they moved out last week at dawn without taking the dog with them. I’m infuriated! The dog has always been outside, and she plays with a particular stray in the neighborhood, so she doesn’t roam far. I thought the owner was still around until I checked with my sister. Now, I don’t know what to do. I already have two dogs, and my mother and her husband aren’t keen on taking in more pets, especially with my upcoming departure. I’m seriously considering posting about her for adoption because it breaks my heart to see her abandoned. She’s a great dog, and I’m confident someone would love her. However, I’m torn because I’m not her owner, yet her owner clearly left her behind without a second thought. For now, I’ve let her stay on our back porch, but my stepdad insists that we can't make this a permanent arrangement since everyone is busy, and I won’t be here much longer. I need to figure this out. 😭
Stephie · 22-25, F
Since you are not the owner of that dog, you have no right to try to place her, sell her or do anything that may be held against you by the lawful owner of that dog.

The only thing you can do is to call the authorities or the local pet shelter that needs to take the most appropriate action.

It is sad that people dispose of their pets once they have no more use for them but even if you took care of that dog for s few days, you are not the legal owner of it.
luvelle · 22-25, F
@Stephie yes, that's exactly what's holding me back. The thing is that our city's dog pound is incredibly brutal and shows a blatant disregard for animal rights. When a dog is deemed aggressive or goes unadopted, they don't hesitate to perform euthanasia 😔
Stephie · 22-25, F
@luvelle I understand how you feel about the entire situation. It is sad but in your case I don't see what else you can do in order to make it right.
rfatoday · 61-69, M
God bless you for taking control of the dog. I would check online because I know that in my area (California) there are groups that take in rescues. There are also no-kill shelters, or may well be, in your area. You may well want to keep her but doing what you have done so far is very loving. Good homes exist out there where she'll get a lot of love.
luvelle · 22-25, F
@rfatoday yeah, there are online groups for this, and I’m planning to post her for adoption. I won’t feel right leaving our city knowing that she’s been abandoned.
Screw the previous "owner"!!! If you can find her a new home, go for it! Post an add with her picture, describe how sweet she is. Call a few places and see if you can find someone to foster her.
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@TheRascallyOne I agree. The owner gave up any rights when they abandoned the dog. Try your best to find it a new home!
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