But I did see something today! I was playing baseball with my son, and we saw a very large black cat cross the field. I mean, this thing was huge. My neighbor saw it a while back. I talked to him earlier about it.
@SethGreene531 I'm still trying to find some tracks or something to get a photo, but it's been pretty dry lately. I have a trail camera out, so maybe I'll get something to share.
@UnstableDiffusion Friends of mine woke up to cat tracks the diameter of a soup bowl outside their home. Much bigger than bobcat or lynx, in an area cougar are supposedly extinct. Looking fwd to what you capture on cam.
@TheLordOfHell This sounds crazy, but I have a mask that I wear on the back of my head while in the woods. I do it for that very reason. If the cat is behind me, it'll still see "my face."