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Can you love animals and still eat meat?

I would love to know your thoughts?
BlueVeins · 22-25
You can, but it's silly and hypocritical. Love is an emotion, and people are entirely capable of acting in ways contrary to what their emotions should say. It's sorta like how a parent can love their kids, but still choose to raise them in suburban hell or feed them a wildly inadequate diet... except y'know, ramped up to 11.
4meAndyou · F
I love my pets, and I love cute or intelligent animals...from a distance. I also love bacon, veal, lamb, chicken, turkey, and all sorts of seafood, but I would never, ever adopt a pig, a lamb, or a baby calf as a pet and then eat him or her.
Vaper · 36-40, M
So, Im quite fond of all animals and in playing upon that well shared adoration we give them cute names as well as voices and cartoon liknesses. Along these lines I'm a Porky Pig fan yet will egarly place strips of his real life cousins on lettuce and tomatoes.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
You can love animals and intentionally abuse them, eating is nothing when you know that. Unless you're going by some backwards defining of love, like if you do then it's not love. Otherwise yes the feeling is present
Torsten · 36-40, M
yes of course. We eat them and one day they will eat us when in the ground or in some rare cases when also alive
I do. I just don't think about it. And I'm not mean to them.
Yes, I do
Yes. But I admit, I differentiate between animals I see as food sources and those that are companion animals.

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