Here goes nothingSo here's the deal: you get to ask me up to 5 questions no matter how crazy, inappropriate, or just random, and I promise to answer them 100% truthfully (thats the "truth" part). Now, I dare you to repost this and see what people ask you.
Anybody else miss Experience Project?I feel like similar worlds is nowhere near as fun as the EP ever was
Ladies......Slipping out of shoes in publicWould you ever slip out of heels/flats (dolly type shoes) while in public? Maybe you're in a cafe, bar or a restaurant etc or even waiting in line
Ladies........Favourite HeelsWhat are your favourite heels to wear? Or even that you like the look of
Ladies.......Slip on HeelsWhat do you think about slip on heels? Why do you wear them if you do like them?
Ladies......losing shoes on night outHave you ever taken your shoes off on a night out then lost them completely?
Ladies.....Suffer or remove uncomfortable shoesIf you are wearing uncomfortable shoes and don't have comfortable ones to change into. Would you suffer the pain or take them off?
Ladies......Stolen Shoes?Have you ever taken your shoes off while on a night out and then have them taken?
Ladies.....Tall with HeelsIf you are a tall woman, do you like to wear heels as well or is it too much?