What in your opinion has been the wildest thing you have done for a dare or lost bet?Been a while since I asked and I’m like, why not 😂 but wild is a matter of perspective so let’s see what you consider
And they dare talk about hatefulhttps://townhall.com/tipsheet/saraharnold/2024/10/27/trump-supporters-in-pennsylvania-receive-threatening-letters-days-before-election-n2646834
Truth or Dare?Always a fun game to play when I was younger, now it kinda flew away and most of my “dares” are for having lost a wager or something. Not so much a sit in a circle and let’s take turns deal anymore 😂 Having said this, what were your experiences... See More »
Free the truth, free the First Ammendment, free our right to learn the news whatever it is.....I hope you know they imprisoned Julian Assange in a violent dungeon (without even a MISDEMEANOR on record...) for telling the truth about America's hideous illegal "wars" and Gitmo too. And lots of other terrible stuff we like to ignore... Been... See More »
Truth or dareChallenge Accepted So here's the deal: you get to ask me up to 5 questions no matter how crazy, inappropriate, or just random, and I promise to answer them 100% truthfully (thats the "truth" part). Now, I dare you to repost this and see what people... See More »