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Alcohol and it’s effects on different personalities

I have a hypothesis.

Those with good self esteem are less likely to become alcoholics than those who have low self esteem.

Alcohol is a poison regardless of who drinks it but this idea that everyone who drinks it is an alcoholic is just wrong.

My older brother drinks sometimes. But he’s got a job, in fact he’s some high end manager at some construction company or something, he’s got a big house, a wife, and a kid, etc.

I also drink but when I had that first drink, I was someone with low self esteem. My sober self was miserable. I didn’t like the way I felt when I was sober.

My older brother had his first drink when things were going good for him and he’s never struggled with low self esteem. In fact he’s quite the party animal.

Anyway, my drinking got out of control but it’s because I was drinking to “self-medicate”. I liked how I could drink it and not be afraid to do normal everyday things that nobody should be afraid of doing.

Perhaps that’s why I was more susceptible to becoming an alcoholic.

I do believe different people get a different kick out of alcohol. For me it was a way to kick my toxic defense mechanisms to the curb for a few hours. For others it seems to amp them up and get them energetic.

There ought to be more studies on this. I want to test it. Maybe I’ll run a study someday.
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Rizatravel · 26-30 Best Comment
Self esteem, stress, anxiety, genetics, personality, mentality. I would surprise if they didn’t test this already in psychology studies. There are probably multiple studies. The problem is research databases of real studies are not free or known to the public. Many studies are not google-able/easy to search on public sites. I never heard about them until I studied in a university in my career. Databases include: Ebsco, CINAHL, PubMed, MEDLINE, PsycINFO. Sometimes when you google you may stumble on a Medline or PubMed article but never the real stuff.

I'm sure you will find a tendency for low self esteem in alcoholics but correlation does not always mean causation.

For what it's worth, you found your particular reason for picking up the drink, and how to stop, and maybe it will apply to many others as well.
PinkMoon · 26-30, F
There's a lot of data to support your theory that's already accepted in the scientific community. Alcohol abuse syndrome is linked to low self-esteem and social anxiety.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
That's how my dad became an alcoholic too. Self-medicating his anxiety.
YoMomma ·
People want to feel better or numb their pain or memories.. others drink for fun i guess..

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