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Anxiety is through the roof right now

My fantasies have escalated. I really didnt think they not that twisted. But I've reached a new low. And im struggling not to feel shame about it....
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Ever considered seeking professional help? If you’ve been struggling with anxiety for so long maybe seeking help would be good for you.
MizzO · 31-35, F
@SW-User a few times...think ill try again.
11knaves11 · 46-50, M
Lately I just wanna know why????
MizzO · 31-35, F
@11knaves11 these last few years my life has been a series of unfortunate events. My husband (2yrs ago) bought a house, we both signed the deed. A small town about an hour and a hald away from all of our friends and family. He had been sober for about 8 or 9 months and i just had baby number four. He started drinking again. One noght while we were hanging curtains he just lost his mind. I couldnt understand it. He pulled a gun on me and tried to put me and the children out in the middle of the night in January. It was a blizzard. I had no income and no money except what he was giving me. My childfen and i lived at a hotel before we found a place. Unfortunately my savings ran out before i was able to get a job. The pandemic made getting kids into child care terrible. Two years later my rent raised +300$ i had been fighting evictions over a year and now we're homeless and he hadent seen the kids in over half a year. He still stays in the 6br 3ba house we bought. My youngedt daughter was just crying because shes scared he might be dead because its been so long since shes seen him. Im stressed and angryl sometimes. Thats why.
11knaves11 · 46-50, M
@MizzO you have the odds against you. Luckily you're still standing. You won't allow yourself to quit. Testament of what woman have dealt with and have put up with. Either way. You know it will only escalate. I assure you I fully understand by reading that why you feel the way you do. Just keep accepting each day makes you stronger and more capable for the next.
Biggd9 · 36-40, M
Good. You should just submit to them.
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StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
Sounds like there’s some dark shit going on in there but it’s only your mind.
MizzO · 31-35, F
@StevetheSleeve not fark necessarily....just....not my normal sexual cup of tea..

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