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Kinda heartbroken

Told this person about my cancer story and all i've got was being left on read.
What kind of person does that? I guess i thought more from them🙄silly me
i know how you feel reached out to a old teacher from highschool.

told her i needed to talk to someone told her about my dad who died 8 years ago. & my moms poor health.

i thought she would understand as i know she lost her dad even younger then me & she is only 5 years older then me.

she did not seem to care people are monsters.

i have always try to be nice to people in life its to the point i'm not going to try any more
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Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
@SW-User same here,a few years passed. Still i'd not care about time when i re-connect with someone (in my case i waa asked what happened since we last talked and still🤷‍♀️)
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A lot of people drop you when they think you might need something from them. Nobody in my real life cared I have cancer. I'm sorry for what you're going through and for the disappointment. Sending hugs.
PerfectionOfTheHeart · 46-50, F
Some people 😕. Sorry that happened to you. Told a buddy about mine and right after I answered his question of what kind of friend I needed him to be during this time, he flat out stopped all communication. Some just can’t handle that weight. I get it. But it still stings quite a bit.
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poisonivy · F
You suffered from cancer? 🥺What happened?
Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
@poisonivy yes,it'll be 2 years in august.the frst year is the most critical
poisonivy · F
@Girlbehindthecurtain I am glad. More power to you
Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
@poisonivy thank you!
I'm so sorry - it'll hurt, you are exposing a part of yourself intimate and vulnerable, and they don't know how to respond, which is sadly normal, but only leaves you feeling more alone, isolated and misunderstood. People sometimes feel they should have answers in help instead of just seeing being compassionate and empathetic can offer so much more. The silent nudges, hugs, words can give so much more.

It's pretty easy to give a hug, supportive words, but it's not so easy to be empathetic. Yet, often people don't even see give a hug.
Mudkip · 31-35, M
I suppose some people don't have great communication skills. But even then, that's rude.
Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
@Mudkip to say the least... guess i should've answered with the good old "not much happened"
JestAJester · 31-35, M
Even people you have met in real life will do that for you. People who are not genuinely interested in you either as a friend, family or lover don't care about your trauma, or the things you've gone through or your life in general. They normally only care about what they're going to get out of the conversation
Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
@JestAJester we had a very deep connection,it's a very difficult situation but we were in love. I was 100% sure he was the one for me.
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my prayers are going out for you right now
Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
@SW-User it's okay,i'm free for almost 2 years. But thank you!
So sorry to hear that.
Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
@Sojournersoul thank you!
@Girlbehindthecurtain you are welcome. ❤️
Prettybratbi1tch · 26-30, F
Maybe they didn't know what to say
Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
@Prettybratbi1tch [@Ishtisit] so i was very vague about it because i know people do not know what to say even tho it ended up being all good. So resonding with an " omg! but are you okay?" Would have been the normal thing to say
Livingwell · 61-69, M
I'm sorry to hear this. I'm sure it's frightening to say the least. I hope you are surrounded by caring people for support and that you beat this. 🤗
Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
@Livingwell thank you! I did,i'll be cancer free for 2 years in august
Livingwell · 61-69, M
@Girlbehindthecurtain That's wonderful news! 🤗
twistedrope · 26-30, M
Some folks are just not ready to handle anyone's depths. It's a show of either shallowness or unavailability. You deserve a response for that, always.
gmgun · 36-40, M
They’re probably just shocked and really don’t know what to say. Would be better if they at least said that much, but it’s probably not malicious.
That’s terrible. Things like this show you who your real friends are! 🤗
Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
@NoGamesTolerated exactly! It ended up being a blessing
@Girlbehindthecurtain yeah times like that unfortunately we learn who’s who!
4meAndyou · F
That would be...not a very NICE person. Sorry they treated you that way.
Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
@4meAndyou agreed😔 thanks!
Isthisit · F
They might not know how to resond to you so just chose not to. Yea some people are weird
Maybe they need time to think about how to respond?
Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
@V00doo at first i thought so too,but it'll be 3 weeks this wednesday
Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
@V00doo yep😒
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Sorry to hear that

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