Pretty, sexy, but also so proud of where you come from and a knowledgeable ambassador! Your photos are amazing. Thanks for sharing such stunning scenery, such beautiful shots of cities, such informational & cultural nuggets...and your breath-takingly beautiful *self* captured by lucky photographers...
@SisterChaos yes, that is what the photo was of, I am just speaking about interpretation. why did you photograph your panties in your vagina? I have similar experimental photos, some I had a definitive reason to shoot, others, just curiosity. I really had no idea what my anus looked like, until I shot some images. I don't generally share those, you are bolder. I might share it if someone was interested enough. I posted my latest, "Nude Old Man with Trombone," on my friends only album.
Jsem sexuální bytost, jsem koneckonců žena, ale mám ráda i civilizovanou konverzaci, ale jen málokdo se zde zdá být zaměřen na jednoduché rozhovory o svém světě.