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22-25, F
Jsem sestra chaosu a ovlivním váš život
About Me
About Me
Jmenuji se Katie, žiji v Londýně, ale narodil jsem se v Praze. Je mi dvacet let a doufám, že je to přátelské místo. Jsem pět týdnů v Londýně, deset dní na izolaci a tři týdny na letní škole.

[image]I was living in London, but I'm back home in Prague now. I'm 20. I'm a keen wanderer, and aged 17 I got on a coach in the summer and toured Europe for two months! It's a great way to visit everywhere close by. After a two weeks away at Valalta in Rovinj, Croatia, I am back home in Prague and continuing my studies in fine art. I am primarily a sculptor, but I paint too, oils and gouache. I am currently single, which is mostly ok, but..!
I love the mountains, and wild forests. I could live the rest of my life content in the midst of the Carpathians.
[image][image][image]Vidím, že na tomto webu je spousta neznalých zadků, šest jsem už zablokoval!


1. We don’t like people.
They divide up our walls.

2. That’s bad, says the doctor, forming in this area you’ve got a soul.
Nurse gives a giggle. The tiny fart’s only heard by me.

3. The worst is to envy one’s parents their mutual love. // The most mutual is to envy love its bad parents. //
The most lovable is to envy one’s parents their mutual badness. The worst is to know what’s worst.

4. It could’ve easily been a scrotum,
but most likely it was someone’s wallet.

5. A child for free! You pay nothing!
Woe to them who bought theirs for a fortune before the summer season.

6. The future has been already. Henceforth we’ll be living in advance what the past has booked for today.
We can always kill ourselves. Only once. (Thus spoke LZ)

7. There are things not spoken about.
Until it turns out they weren’t things.

8. One more week to go until another week!

9. Their orgasm lasts for 30 minutes and they can’t for the life of them look up towards heaven.
Otherwise though, pigs are the species closest to humans.

10. Down with the total solar eclipse over the Czech Republic!
A Czech sun for Czech children!

11. Our country is still ruled by a nostalgia for the future.
And we owe everything we’ve been given to the past.

12. Death is the most hopeless creature on earth, daddy.
One day he’s gonna scythe his throat with his own shaky hands. Just to see what it’s like.
[image][image][image][image]One to keep your eyes on Marketa!!
Jsem česká kráska a Česko je pro mě krásná vlast a pro všechny Čechy je naše vlast posvátná.

Alphonse Mucha was a great example of our idealised art.

[image]Bedrich Dvorak, Smetana, many others..
Brzy jsem zjistil, že mám talent na umění, a přestože jsem také dobrý v jazycích, rozhodl jsem se pro uměleckou školu a malbu, ale zejména pro sochařství. Nyní jsem dokončil dva roky a musím dokončit další dva.

Topfree is tolerated at all places. Public nudity is not illegal in the Czech Republic, but it may be regulated by local authorities.

Czech national song
In Czech:
Kde domov můj, kde domov můj,
Voda hučí po lučinách,
bory šumí po skalinách,
v sadě skví se jara květ,
zemský ráj to na pohled!
A to je ta krásná země,
země česká domov můj,
země česká domov můj!

Liberal translation (linguafrança):
Where my home is, where my home is,
Water roars across the meadows,
Pinewoods rustle among rocks,
The orchard is glorious with spring blossom,
Paradise on earth it is to see.
And this is that beautiful land,
The Czech land, my home,
The Czech land, my home!

Poetic translation (linguafrança):
Where is my home, where is my home,
Streams are rushing through the meadows,
Midst the rocks sigh fragrant pine groves,
Orchards decked in spring's array,
Scenes of Paradise portray.
And this land of wondrous beauty,
Is the Czech land, home of mine,
Is the Czech land, home of mine!

Jsem nejšťastnější v Rovinji v Chorvatsku, kde se můžu nahý!
[image][image][image][image]I have been on here long enough to have had a number of people ask me what my measurements are, especially what cupsize I have. I'm a B cup. Measurements, using imperial measures, my bust is 32B. My waist is 24 (much better than average these days), my hips are 34.

To think I might have been dead,
he said to himself, ashamed, as if this were
a curse of the heart, raising a bundle of bones
to a man’s height. As if it were suddenly
forbidden to touch even words that had dropped to the ground.
Besides, he was afraid of finding
his body in a metal press. Embarrassing
down to the capillaries.

the tram stood jammed above him
like an icebreaker’s prow and all that was left of the car
was a grotesque pretzel with a chunk bitten off
by the dentures of a demented angel.
Something dark was dripping on the rails,
and a strikingly pale wind was leafing
through a book still warm.

People were forming a circle and with deaf-mute
sympathy awaited the play’s catharsis,
like maggots emerging from
under the wings of a beheaded chicken.
From afar came the approaching wail of sirens,
congealing in the jinxed air-conditioning of that day
and that minute. Dewdrops were falling
on the back of the neck like remnants of
atmospheric dignity. Embarrassing down to the capillaries.

No, thank you, he said, I’ll wait;
for a silent film had started to run
without subtitles, without colour and without answers.

And what about the magnetic monopoles
escaping seconds after the Big Bang,
protons violating the irreversibility of the flow of time?

What about the giant molecular clouds
under the galaxy’s shoulders, conceiving
the embryos of stars?

What about the loneliness of the first genes
accumulating amino acids in shallow primeval pools
at the expense of entropic usurers?

What about the desiccated starfish
like proto-eagles’ talons dug into the bed
of a vanishing sea?

What about the mortal migrations of birds
observing the sun’s inclination
and the roar of sex hormones?

What about the caged half-crazed
orang-utan who vomits because
he has nothing else to do?

What about the mice which for a thousand years
have learned to sing and the frogs balancing
on one leg like the thigh
of a beauty queen from Mesopotamia?

What about poetry, an enterprise
so disorderly it twists the rulers
and increases the squint of school inspectors?

And what about the little girl
in the leukemia ward who, on the toilet,
tried to show what kind of moustache the kind doctor has,
but as her skinny sticks of hands let go of
the edge of the bowl, she falls in and so
tried again and again?

And what about the weak-kneed intellectual,
the professor who understood the approximate universe
but forgot the traffic rules?

No, thank you, he said to some uniform,
I don’t need anything. My papers are in my pocket
but I can’t reach there. And he tried
to smile a little at this embarrassment of complicated creation.
It’s all my fault, he said,
thank you.
And then he died.

Úžasná Grace, jak sladký byl zvuk, který zachránil ubožáka jako já, kdysi jsem byl ztracen, ale teď jsem byl nalezen, byl slepý, ale teď jsem viděl, že Milost naučila mé srdce bát se, a Grace, mé obavy se uvolnily. Nejprve jsem uvěřil Přes mnohá nebezpečí, dřiny a nástrahy Už jsme přišli T'was Grace, která nás zatím dovedla do bezpečí A Grace nás dovede domů A Grace nás dovede domů Amazing Grace, jak sladký zvuk To zachránilo ubožáka jako jsem já jednou byl ztracen, ale teď jsem byl nalezen Byl slepý, ale teď vidím Byl jsem slepý, ale teď vidím.

Nejsem feministka, chci začlenění pro všechny. Jsem středoevropan s hlubokou nedůvěrou k muslimům a islámu. Od počátku svého „náboženství“ se nikdy nedrželi věcí, které vykládají. Vidím to jako znamení ďábla a satana, Azraela. Přeji mír, ale jsem připraven na válku se všemi zločinci.
