I Love ChocolateRitter Sport. I get the small tablets of chocolate in a small shop in my home sestrière San Marco. I love this chocolate!
I Speak GermanMy father is fluent, he went to the German school in Jordan. He's taught me a lot, and I did it with English at school here in Venice.
I Am BedouinMy father is Jordanian of Bedouin and Armenian antecedence, his great grandmother was married to an Armenian. The Bedouin are Semites, descendants of Abraham through Ishmael.
I Accept Responsibility For My Own ActionsYou need to be careful, and sensible in your relations with other people, known and strangers.
I Respect Everybody, Until They Show Me OtherwiseI don't think it's easy to do, but it's important to try to show that you give everyone the chance to be the ladies and gentlemen they might like to be.
I Think Personal Hygiene Is ImportantI shower a few times each day, sometimes, depending on my class schedule. A lady doesn't subject anyone else to a hint of body odour.
I Am a Passionate PersonIs it the Italian blood in me, or tne Jordanian Bedouin, or that little Armenian? Am I a crusader?
I Love Being FreeI am always me unashamedly, but there are sensitivities I need to absorb as I exercise my individuality. Each of us should be true to ourselves, and refrain from lying to ourselves.
I Would Love To Live On My Own Private IslandIt would be interesting. I think it might be crazy. Seems a good idea.
I Care About Personality Not LooksTo found my attraction and friendliness on looks alone is not just shallow, but it is senseless because it does not consider experience or values.
I Admire Queen Rania of JordanShe has a good mind, and a kind personality, and her charity of thought is a good example to all of us.
I Won't Judge YouTo judge someone you don't know is arrogance as well as injustice. Judging is to say you know better, but there's a strong chance you don't!
I Believe In EqualityIt's an interesting concept, equality. For me it has political, social, judicial, and philosophical ramifications.
I Value My PrivacyMy choices will always take presidence over enquiry. My privacy is deeply important to me.
I Do Not SmokeLots of dancers still use smoking as a weight control tool, I don't. Smoking ultimately will make your dance career a short one.
I Want You To Introduce Yourself Before I Add You As A FriendI have already seen people just add you,mthey don't introduce themselves, abd I'm certain I have no idea why they don't want to exchange pleasantries. This weirdness is unlikely to get my friendship here.
I Have Been to Another CountryI have been to Jordan, to Switzerland and Austria, to Liechtenstein, and Germany, to Slovenia, Spain and France.
I Have No Problem With Interacial RelationshipsMy Dad is a Jordanian Semite, a Christian of the Orthadox church, with some additional Armenian blood, who condemns anything interracial.
I Love VeniceI love it so much I ensured I was born here! I might have been conceived in Alexandria, but I was born in Venezia! We live in a beautiful part of the city. And away from the tourist dominated areas of the city, too.
I Love BalletIt is a lifestyle as well as an art, exquisite in every way to me. I love ballet, and moderne, jazz and tapdance.
I Love Cooking For People I LoveMy Dad has taught me to cook lots of Jordanian meals, and it's something I totally enjoy. Thursday's are always my cooking days, because I get home fairly early.
I Am Open MindedI think about my conversation, but I am happy to talk about just about anything, after substantial foundation and empathy.
I Admire Wit and IntelligenceWit, the ability to hold a sensitive conversation. Intelligence, the ability to differentiate injury from rhetoric.