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41-45, M
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Rose415: Isn't there freedom of religion in America?
It seems like christians are the worst about this....
5 yrs ago
dark548: What turns you off?
Having a bad attitude. Thinking you're better than...
6 yrs ago
djones: if someone who was more attractive than you was...
@SW-User See. Now, I'm uncomfortable. But thank...
6 yrs ago
djones: if someone who was more attractive than you was...
First of all, just about everyone is more...
6 yrs ago
elVato: Happy Freaking Monday.
Nice. I'm stealing that ๐Ÿ˜€
6 yrs ago
jamiejamiegirl1113: OMG OMG OMG!! :O
This is a fat guy's paradise ๐Ÿ˜€
6 yrs ago
dark548: Do you give people what they want?
Depends on what they want and if I like them or...
6 yrs ago
valhalla: How would life be if we never had to work?
Well, according to my 6 year old nephew, we'd all...
6 yrs ago
PepperMint: Where are you rn?
In my house
7 yrs ago
Starlite: Be honest do you worry about online friends who...
I don't really have any online friends. Or offline...
7 yrs ago
allnamesrtakenx: Hey
Yeh me too :(
7 yrs ago
sawball05: how often do you travel??? ever been out of your...
I rarely leave my home town :( No I've never been...
7 yrs ago