Mandy95 replyMandy95 why have you blocked me we were getting on so well and were arranging a meet up for may. Please unblock so we can continue talking. If anyone is connected with her please point this out to her. Thank you xxx
I want to have a babyIf anyone in the UK is looking for someone to help them have a baby I would love to help.
How do I let a friend down without hurting them.I recently went on holiday with a friend and had a good time now she wants to plan another long distance holiday but I want to go on my own and do my own things but I don't want to hurt her feelings. How do I break it to her I want to go on my own... See More »
I Would Go Back In Time If I CouldI would go back in time to my school days, people used to tell me that your school days are the best days of your life and i didnt take any notice of them and lost contact with some really good school friends when i left. Looking back everything was... See More »
Why does the world move onWhy does everything keep going on but i am still struggling to come to terms with past experiances. I cant sleep things going round my head i feel like im the only one going through this and dont know how much more i can take. 😢
being a VirginIs it bad to still be a virgin at 36. I want to loose my virginity but am not very good with women.