Been monthsI'm back after months away from here, hope every one is OK and let the weird chats commence
Any ideas what to do [I Im So Bored]Need something to do, can't find anything to watch and got nothing new to play. Always happens when I take time off work 😂 Any ideas
I Am Bored, Bored, Bored Did I Mention I Am So BoredFirst day off work and I'm. Already bored lol only another 3 weeks left
I Hate Being Unable To SleepBeen struggling alot lately, no Matter how tired I get, I just cant doze off
I Like To Share Morning Coffee With FriendsI can't wait to go out and have a coffee with my friends once lockdown is done
I Have a Messed Up Sleep ScheduleMines caused by work, its a lot harder these days and it keeps me awake at night thinking what the next day will bring
I Watch Anime In JapaneseAll depends on the anime for me. For example I prefer fma on English and I'd rather watch my hero in Japanese
I Love Playing Video GamesAny suggestions for a new game to play. Anything that's an Rpg or adventure with a decent story