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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
LordShadowfire thinks you are Arrogant.

It's one thing to say you don't believe in any kind of afterlife or deities. I get that, and I can respect that. I can even respect when you argue with people who claim they've provided definitive proof of anything paranormal, supernatural, etc. But why is it that you insist on getting into every single conversation in which people are discussing paranormal, metaphysical, or other phenomena, and start demanding proof from people who never asked you to believe them?
BlueSkyKing · M
@LordShadowfire I don’t have the burden of proof. Isn’t the purpose of this site to discuss? Why else did the administration put evolution in the religion section?
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@BlueSkyKing I'm not suggesting that debate isn't a good thing, or discussion. But when someone says something like, "Please don't bother arguing, I'm not trying to convince anyone," and you proceed to start arguing with them, what exactly are you trying to prove?
BlueSkyKing · M
@LordShadowfire I’m not trying to prove anything. She chose this place to essentially rant and seek approval. Can’t think of place that has least audience.
2cool4school · 46-50, F
2cool4school thinks you are Awesome.

Who died and made you SkyKing ?? Is there any openings for queen ?? I’d settle for SkyPrincess!! Ok I won’t lie I’d be happy with SkyJester too. I just want to be involved because I love the sky. It’s always up unless I’m on my head then it’s… well still technically it’s up. I just want to be involved in any Sky related activities unless it’s SkyNews then I’m not interested. lol 😂
Anyway I just wanted to say… Nice handle or screen name or profile title whatever’s your pleasure I think it’s a treasure. Good names are hard to find!!!
Ok I think that’s about it… oh wait I have something else but I just forgot it??!! Darn it what was I going to say… oh well maybe it’ll come to me like a boomerang 🪃 … in the blue sky 😉😊☺️
Anyway I just wanted to say… Nice handle or screen name or profile title whatever’s your pleasure I think it’s a treasure. Good names are hard to find!!!
Ok I think that’s about it… oh wait I have something else but I just forgot it??!! Darn it what was I going to say… oh well maybe it’ll come to me like a boomerang 🪃 … in the blue sky 😉😊☺️
BlueSkyKing · M
I’m a fan of guitarist Danny Gatton. My handle is a combination of two of his songs. Pretty Blue and Skyking. Didn’t want Prettyblue Skyking.
2cool4school · 46-50, F
@BlueSkyKing Rad 👍