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Only the happy ones, I Wish there was a machine that could make them come true
SethGreene531 · M
Novel idea!
That our boldest endeavors, might exist beyond the space of the mind's eye.
Giving a sense of permanence, to a beauty fleeting and intangible.
Mine have always been a welcome place of wonder and beauty. Revisiting their landscapes is like returning home.
And with your device I can always go home, again.
I may have a theory how this might be built.
That our boldest endeavors, might exist beyond the space of the mind's eye.
Giving a sense of permanence, to a beauty fleeting and intangible.
Mine have always been a welcome place of wonder and beauty. Revisiting their landscapes is like returning home.
And with your device I can always go home, again.
I may have a theory how this might be built.
@SethGreene531 japan has started with measuring electric pulses that they can tell you what type dream you have, but so far no one has come up with any playback means to include video and audio
SethGreene531 · M
@DecafD I've heard about that! They can visualize the activity on FMRI scans as well. But so far, can't translate the signal data into film or audio mediums. How do they interpret type of dream based on the pulse? Amazing.
If we can capture output, does that mean we could input as well? I feel an 'Inception' sequel in the works lol.
Possibly they've benefited from similar projects.
Google and others, have prototyped connectivity to neurons and nerves via microchip implants. With volunteered test subjects.
If we can capture output, does that mean we could input as well? I feel an 'Inception' sequel in the works lol.
Possibly they've benefited from similar projects.
Google and others, have prototyped connectivity to neurons and nerves via microchip implants. With volunteered test subjects.
SubstantialKick · 36-40, M
Yeah, that would be cool. I've had some pretty interesting dreams 🤔.
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@RightSaidFred YES! This would be awesome!
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Fauxmyope2 · 26-30, F
Only some of my dreams! Cool concept!
CestManan · 46-50, F
It would be awesome but then then the corporate pigs would program commercials into them.
Good idea 💡. 😏
What about the ones you don’t get to finish though 😣. You know when your just about to 🤭 and dam the alarm goes off 😳. Lo
What about the ones you don’t get to finish though 😣. You know when your just about to 🤭 and dam the alarm goes off 😳. Lo
@SW-User haha I imagine those type of dreams would be the main fuel for ppl wanting to buy that machine
Haha. I’ll take two please 😄@DecafD
Dancingxghost · 36-40, M
Yeeeeees..some of them were so freaky I remember them vaguely years after.
MiserableAtBest · 22-25, F
No thanks, most of my dreams are negative
@MiserableAtBest aww well I how they get better soon! There’s nothing like a dream so awesome that you spend the entire next day wishing it were real.
Yes. I haven’t remembered a dream in years! At all
DDonde · 31-35, M
I've thought maybe the dreams don't actually make sense, I just interpret them in my dream-brain as making sense. Like a crazy person who thinks they're talking with aliens, but it's actually just street lamps.
What I'm getting at is that even if you could record them, there might not be much to see.
I'm talking out of my ass
What I'm getting at is that even if you could record them, there might not be much to see.
I'm talking out of my ass
That wouldn't be much fun for me. Most of my dreams are horrible.