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I Am Sexually Confused

I'm not really confused in a bad way, but its kinda like if I wasn't straight I wouldn't be that surprised. I mean I don't really care about getting some label, I am what I am. Recently, I was watching this anime, Oregairu, and I realized that the main character was a lot like me... even the part where he's attracted to his guy friend and feels weird about it. I'm pretty sure I'm straight, but there's this friend of mine, super pretty, popular (esp with guys), and really girly and petite and stuff that makes me feel like blushing. And its because of things she does, like we're not that close, because we don't have the same group of friends, and while we are friends, we aren't close enough to hug or do weird stuff comfortably with. But she does stuff like slips her hand in my pocket, [when i turn around a look at her she just smiles] and grab my arm and stuff in such a way that it makes me seriously want to blush. Oh well, just wanted to get that out there.
firelaw · 22-25, F
I would, if not for the potential social suicide problem I might face if it doesn't go well. Plus I don't want to ruin our friendship. I'm more of a cautious person, haha, but I might not even want to do that so I feel its best to just leave it and see where this goes. ppl tend to open up to me when we're alone, so theres just that hurdle to jump.
Johnbkr · 31-35, M
Next time peck her on the cheek you get to see how she responds. And at the same time explore how you feel about that sort of thing. Be bold.
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firelaw · 22-25, F
@shyuncut4u hahaha but she doesn't do that to guys tho, I know because she always brings me along when guys invite her to stuff. I'm graduating from sch tmr, but I realised we always had an odd way of greating each other along the hallways, it's always, 'hey' and a small, slightly awkward wave and a small convo if our friends aren't around. We're at that friendship stage where you throw around playful insults and make faces at each other, but we only ever do that when my friends are around. Specifically my friends because hers are a bunch of graceful dancers who don't rly know me. So its kinda like a facade? idk. oh and you know that feel when you're talking to someone and then the small chat you've had is over and you just stare at each other for a moment waiting for the other to pick up the convo, and its like neither of you really want it to end? that has happened before
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