HatsOnFrogs · 26-30, M
*returns hug* Well, at least its not constant! 

CurlyMichael · 22-25, M
everyone needs a hug time from time
joahola98wj · 36-40, F
I learned to provide an emotional connection with myself so I don't seek other people for it. What do you consider an emotional connection?
mahmoodfaisal13 · 26-30, M
later as in the inbox. how does it feel to be lonely? i've always felt lonely and I wanna see if other people feel the same way. baby-step me through your world of loneliness.
mahmoodfaisal13 · 26-30, M
So do I! deep deeep connection indeed.
HatsOnFrogs · 26-30, M
I know the feeling... Wish i could have a hug right now...
BritAT · 31-35, M
You'll get it, don't rush these things 

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Same here :/
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Why ahh?
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Thank you

CurlyMichael · 22-25, M
you two are so cute
Melissamolly · 31-35, F

You need some love...
mahmoodfaisal13 · 26-30, M


Melissamolly · 31-35, F
it's a horrible feeling *hug*

SatyrService · M
Tho Most nautral feeling in the world. we all need this..
Feel Som Love from the ether
Feel Som Love from the ether
Pretzel · 61-69, M
Sending you a mental hug.
ron122 · 41-45, M
hugs you real tight

bhatjc · 46-50, M
Don't we all need that deep connection
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
That's good, I mean like love and friendship
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Thank you
yeah I'm glad it isn't! 

mahmoodfaisal13 · 26-30, M
youll know later.. ahh
UnshodAdvocate · 26-30, M
Miss talking to you. 

Melissamolly · 31-35, F

thecofun · 31-35, M
Same, life can be shitty and lonley for many. thats for sure.
tenente · 100+, M
u get use to it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯