This has been already a long run for me but. I managed to lose quite a significant amount of weight. And it's ... just wow, for me to compare how my face looked like before vs now. On purpose I found here the oldest selfie I had and compared it with new one. First photo where I could've been like.... uf maybe 17 vs now I'm 22.
@JaneSerenity Jane, my apologies for missing your reply on Halloween. Is is any better now? Please do message me as I think my 2 prior messages to you were 'lost in the shuffle' and members here only get 2 chances to first message someone. Two strikes and you're out. 😆
@SW-User Thank you very much, yep I wanted long lasting weight loss. Not a quick fix. :) Even while at times it's hard to force your bad habits to go away.
@JaneSerenity it's all about finding your own way and not being too hard on yourself 😉