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I Don't Follow Fashion Trends

This post isn't about myself and my boring personal tastes.

Here's what it IS about:

Why didn't women know about LAYERING their hair before about 1965?

What was missing in people's understanding so that no matter what the hairdo, it would never look like it had too much to do with every square inch of the woman's head. After all that where the head-hair comes from, right? So why not give it ALL a fighting chance?

Think about it.

How come nobody thought of it?

And don't get me started on hairdos before that!!!
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4meAndyou · F
Women did not even cut their hair in the United States until the 1920's, when the Bob came into fashion. Prior to that, you only cut your hair if you were desperately ill. My Great-Aunts both had hair hanging to the tops of their thighs, and wore it in braids formed into crowns on top of their heads. In the 1940's and 1950's long hair came back into style again because after WWII conservative values became important once again. It wasn't until the 1960's that women began cutting their hair for fashion once again, usually to copy Jackie Kennedy.
Platoscave · F
@4meAndyou I was kinda only referring to layering and the idea it is so attractive to wear layered hair either short or long...and nobody seemed to get it. Or want that.
4meAndyou · F
@Platoscave Typically it is done by women with thin hair who want their hair to appear fuller than it is.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
It was just a matter of taste. People have been layering their hair since forever. It just wasn't in style.
Platoscave · F
I think most hairdos before 1965 were hideous...or worse!

With some striking maybe the women in Bergman's films who had unnoticeable hair, therefore classic.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
@Platoscave everyone's taste is different.
Platoscave · F
Yeah obviously

But I had something else on my mind.

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