SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Good girls! I had to wash my father's car every fortnight when I lived at home, and mow the lawn in the summer :-)
Nicolina15 · 26-30, F
ron, we get our weekly allowances, and for them we have to help our parents in the house and the garden.
Pop0159 · 61-69, M
Chores teach the basics of self reliance, contributing to life, and respect .. .. not only did my children do chores so did their guest who were staying during chore time .... They all learned from it and appreciate it today ..
JQuest7575 · 41-45, M
Builds strength, character, and a sense of responsibility. Can't tell you how many people today don't understand that simply because they didn't do chores or volunteer in their youth.
nevergiveup · M
my sister had to do house work and i did the garden and cleaned my fathers motor bike. We had no choice if we said no or did not do what we was told we got the belt at bed time
ron122 · 41-45, M
It's cool that you help out at home. Do you get paid for your chores?