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I Wear Real Fur

There are four seasons in Minnesota: It’s almost winter, it’s winter, it’s still winter, and road construction

And in January guess who’s the only one not complaining that it’s –23f below zero outside (-30c to the rest of the world) that’s right – this gal. Actually I’m quite comfortable outside because I know how to stay warm people! Quite often during winter I head out wearing fur –real fur- sometimes from head to toe like this week. I may look like a walking teddy bear, but I’m not going to let the temperature outside dictate how I’m going to spend my days or nights. I’m not going to say my time spent outside is completely comfortable; sometimes I do get a bit overheated 😁 Although fur coats in particular have been traditionally viewed as a symbol of luxury, success, and elegance (admittedly my coats are quite expensive) comfort and warmth come first. Screw whether it’s fashionable or not, and fur clothing is the most comfortable I’ve worn I don’t have to pile on layers of other clothes under my coats in the winter to stay warm.

So I am not going to debate the morality or ethics of wearing real fur this is how I choose to protect myself from the cold, but it is also a reflection of my personality. I’ve always been a “girly-girl” and like wearing clothing that is feminine and classy. Plus it’s validating from how many compliments I get from random people both men and other women. Most commonly “that’s beautiful”. Most common question “can I touch it?”. Everyone loves how soft fur feels, but that’s just another perk. Wearing fur has lead to some interesting stories and experiences I’ve had in the times I’ve worn them. That reminds me – get a massage sometime with mink or chinchilla mittens it’s quite the sensation ☺️

Take it for what it is I am not that vain to think otherwise. Side fact: I donate monthly to the ASPCA (you don’t have to point out the irony of that – it’s quite obvious).
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Peaches · F
I still have a mink and leather coat and a rabbit coat. My boyfriend is from Minnesota. He was born in Two Harbors I believe it is.
It isn't classy to wear something which may well have been removed from an animal which was still alive when the skinning started.

Or have you seen the cages in China stuffed with live dogs as though they had been scooped up and stuffed in as full as possible...then another 10-20% added? And they fling them...

Yeah, you're "classy" and a "princess"...a princess of pain to animals.
@SomeMichGuy What a dummy. Skinning animals that are still alive. 😆 Show us one example of that ever happenening.....anywhere....anytime...any century EVER on this planet.
wetncthru · F
@SomeMichGuy You are not the only 1 to have seen them.
xSharp · 31-35, M
with wind chill it is now -46 celsius here
fun4us2b · M
Nice post! I'm on the fence - I'm thinking the synthetic stuff and goose they make and sell must be good, but probably not without some other "impact" Which where I live real fur is not needed, but where you are is different...except maybe during road construction season

Keep Warm!
OlderGent1965 · 56-60, M
Very nicely said! 😊
atlantic59 · 61-69, M
love yer attitude and as a Canadian, :"Can I touch your fur"/
atlantic59 · 61-69, M
My hero Bob Dylan, being from Hibbing, makes me even more in like with you: 'Girl From The North Country'
Minnesota too
MeisterAndrew · 41-45, M
Good for you 👍
RoxClymer · 41-45, M
I never experienced quite That cold, but I have family in Buffalo NY, and I grew near Lake Tahoe

I am quite familiar with 0 to -10
Dshhh · M
i love a Girl in a long fur coat, and maybe not so much else
likesnatural · 70-79, M
When I lived in Iowa, we thought there were only 2 seasons in Minnesnowda - winter and almost-winter
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
My heavy coat has a fur trim on the hood. Only way to keep warm and see where you're going when blowing snow.
MinMan80 · 41-45, M
Minnesota here too snow snow and more snow this week
Coppercoil · M
I've been there.. known people who live there. I liked it.
mrh1972 · MVIP
Might be cold in Minnesota but your close to where Prince lived!!
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
Next time I'm in your neighborhood, can I borrow one?

I like the gangster look
Well put. No need to apologize about the fur!
I heartily approve.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
How cold is it now?
emptysoul44 · 46-50, M
you wear regular clothes under?
Tres13 · 51-55, M
You should share some pictures of you in your fur or at least your fur if you are shy.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Do you ever wear your fir over your naked body?
DanMaria77 · 56-60, M
U r a hypocrite. U donate to the ASPCA but at the same time wear fur.
@DanMaria77 Look up the ASPCA. One of the biggest scams in America. Look up the financial breakdown of the ASPCA and check how much taken in actually goes to saving and adoption and how is paid to management in terms or salaries and bonuses. Animals get 6 cents on the dollar. The rest is cut off the top for pocket stuffing.

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