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Is it just paranoia

When it's me and two other co-workers and the other two are talking and I can't hear them I know they're plotting against me. One of them comes to talk to me I feel like they are two-faced and I can't trust anybody. Any advice on how to stop feeling this way?
Do you feel like that with everyone, or just two specific coworkers?
@HannahSky Well he'd have to see a doctor, the doctor would ask why, and then they would talk about psychiatric issues.
HannahSky · F
@SinlessOnslaught Yes smarty lol
@HannahSky 🙃
Carazaa · F
We cant really control others but we can control how we react and be the better person. They will feel guilty if you are always kind and courteous. So thats how I have behaved at all my jobs, and then I don't regret how I acted. And tell yourself "don't be too paranoid" and just work and do a good job. DO NOT retaliate.
Ragnarock1276 · 46-50, M
@Carazaa I have never retaliated except for the one guy who physically attacked me because I cannot tell if it's my own paranoia or if they are really being the aggressor. And I've watched every one of them quit or get fired after treating other employees the same way
Nobody00 · F
Mania and anxiety. Only a psychologist. Trying to stop it on your own will drive you nuts and further down that hole until you loose it, it's too serious.
Ragnarock1276 · 46-50, M
@Nobody00 I started playing music again and working out and that seemed to help tremendously but I still have moments like I was having tonight. I'm trying to make arrangements to see a psychologist
Nobody00 · F
@Ragnarock1276 this happens to a lot of people not only you.... you need another person a GOOD psychologist to lead you out of it or it can just grow like a snow ball

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