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I Believe It's About Love, Not Gender, Race, Or Age

So..does anybody else find "Gender studies" to be an absolute offensive pile of unintellectual, ideological and divisive piece of trash? Wtf is wrong with the world
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FaeLuna · 31-35, F
I never took it as a class because there are far more interesting classes to choose from that would actually benefit me in the real world. A Gender Studies class to me just seems purposeless - what skills do you learn? What lessons are there that you can't learn from experiencing everyday life?

Besides, it's like the go-to joke in comedy for "useless degrees." Why would I take that?
@FaeLuna Precisely, absolutely diddily squat. It teaches people to feel oppressed and angry from what i've seen and experienced.
Just creates more problems in society and wastes young peoples money and time.
MachiavellianSpirit · 26-30, F
The whole idea is utterly baseless. Yet another social agenda to push forward (which large parts of modern Western society seem too keen to dive headfirst into) in order to detract attention from major issues and make society sink into a cesspool of further absurdity
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Since I don’t know too much about gender studies in the first place I can’t give as meaningful an answer as you might wish.
@Longpatrol If you want to get started you can just look at the people it produces. It's literally a class to learn an ideology, it's not even a real subject and furthers no advancement in any kind of knowledge. It's not only useless in practical terms but it creates angry and opinionated people who can't go into any kind of work after it. It's a joke and it's damaging
4meAndyou · F
Gender studies, most unfortunately, takes the gender inequalities of the past, magnifies them, because they are fading in the present, and then creates a victim class based on flawed psychological premise.
@4meAndyou Put so well. It's no longer relevant, it should be called "womens history" but it's not even a holistic view of it, more so a view seen through the lens of the cynical/clueless.
Giving people the illusion of disempowerment so they feel as such, it's sad and ironic.

You can only imagine the types of people who actually aim to teach these kinds of classes and unfortunately it's going to create more unless they grow up and realise.

They're going to abolish it in Hungary as it leads to absolutely no work or career.
TheEldersnout · 31-35, F
Here's what I think! =D

@TheEldersnout "Whoever made that gender, wears a fedora" 🤣
Teaching people without the experience or sense to actually see the world for what it is that they should be cynical and biased towards entire genders of people, TEACHING complete misinterpretations and OPINIONS based in cynicism to fucking teenagers who don't know any better and basically acting as a recruitment tool for the extreme left who've gone so far that this is now a real subject apparently.

"How to be an ignorant/selfrighteous asshole and work at mcdonalds until you're fired for such behaviour" Degree. And people pay money for this shit.

Fucking livid
Hell fucking yeah bitch

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