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I Am a Victim of Emotional Abuse

Some of you say I’m doing this for attention well, I’m not. You guys don’t need to cast judgement on me. You have no idea how much it takes just for me to say it on here. I’m afraid that one day she will find these and hurt me more than she needs to. I can’t drive away. Why? Because the only one who is willing to do it mistreats me so bad. She says why, so you can so you can be disappointed by life? So you can complain to someone? No one cares what you have to say anymore they’re done hearing it. I do self harm because I take what she says to heart. I know I shouldn’t but I do. I have low self esteem and I don’t know how to talk to anyone. So hoping if I write these down I can just show someone instead of stuttering my sentences and making them be impatient by my speaking abilities.
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Platinum · M
Stop harming yourself you are a great person and you are worth more than that....
MakeAspirit · 41-45, M
Hi Has the person mental health issues who's hurting you ? I guess whats happening is that the person is taking your self esteem to gain power on not dealing with there own issues and then your blaming yourself from feeling the way you are . Then with the self esteem issues you have voice are creeping into your head (bad voices ) and your believing them which are lies about yourself
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
Your self talk is a huge piece of self esteem. it might feel like lying to yourself but you shouldn't talk about yourself like this or have the username you do.

Self love is enormously important, I watched a friends mother bury her because she didn't love herself enough to chase the abusive people out of her life.

More to the point part of the reason she chose abusive men over genuine love from me...

stay strong- this is something you're far from alone in struggling with. take a look around the site- there's many like you.
Write what you feel hun. People who haven't experienced that sort of abuse will never know how you feel. I have been physically, mentally, verbally and emotionally abused my entire life. People are so quick to judge and say get over it. But it's not that easy. They don't know what it's like to be punched in the stomach because you forgot to make rolls with dinner. they don't know what it's like to be told you're not pretty enough, sexy enough, smart enough good where you don't think you're worth anything at all.
Nutshell29 · 26-30, F
Just look at my last post @SW-User
Platinum · M
I know it's easy to say, but walk beats the alternative@SW-User
Ferrari21 · 36-40, M
I commend you for your strength. Continue to grow and find your voice. You are beautiful and you are special. If that person can’t see it then let them go. It’s that person’s loss not yours.
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Lostpoet · M
Don't listen to her she is just pulling you down you are old enough to not be talked down to if you need to get away for a while try getting away from things even if it's just for an hour and I think you'll feel better.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I will never make light of being a victim of emotional abuse. Sadly, I know a few.
leowander · M
Never do self harm. Perhaps suggest going to see a therapist together. Sometimes you need an objective third party to get involved.
Platinum · M
You are a brave young Lady and more self esteem than most...if you are not happy then change your life..we are all here to help you, just ask
MrPerditus1 · 61-69, M
I've been away for a bit, had to take a break and really don't know if I'm back yet. All I can say is for those that say those things, like you do it for attention? To Hell with them...they are only saying that for the attention THEY will get and the rise they'll cause in you. Some do it because (and this is only my own personal observations of those that do it around me) their lives are so pathetic that the only way they can feel better about themselves is to make others feel terrible.

This is supposed to be a place you can come and share and vent, block those that don't support you and keep those around that do and understand. I just hope you keep writing, sharing, venting, whatever it is you want to call it and keep those around that will be there for you. Just hang in there. As for the emotional abuse and abuser? I'm sure you've heard it all before, but you don't deserve that. NO ONE DOES! I'm sure it's hard to get away or share, I'm sure the fear is tangible, but again, words are just those, they are just words and they can only hurt as much as we allow them. Sure, that's easy to say and hard to follow, even for me, but it's really true. No one knows you better than yourself and anything they say is only their opinion, even if it feels like truth.

I wish I had some words of wisdom to help you through. I can only say that getting away from the abuse and abuser(s) is the only way to start on a path to something better in your life. We've crossed paths ourselves in the past here and you've always been a wonderful person to me and the others I've seen you interact with. Taking care of yourself, physically, mentally and emotionally is the most important thing. Please do that.
Wiseacre · F
Most of us a victims of emotional abuse, more or doesn’t have to define u...there is a way out!
switchfoot · 36-40, M
This forum is no one's private property. You can say and tell whatever you want girl.
HannahSky · F
Sending ❤️

Funny this popped up in the feed from 2018
Nutshell29 · 26-30, F
@HannahSky long time ago
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Montanaman · M
I pray to God this isn't the person you just got back with. I'm so sorry but get away from that if it is. 🌻
@Nutshell29 I'm sorry . I hope he treats you better than she does.
Nutshell29 · 26-30, F
@SW-User more then I deserve but I'm so happy with him and he makes me happy he treats more well
@Nutshell29 You deserve to be loved and treated kindly. Own that. :)
My ex-wife was an emotional abyser, she had it down to a science actually. Thankfully i dont have her to deal with, just the aftereffects.
Aww I'm sorry 😥 I know. It sucks 😔
Fuck anyone who doesn’t care or hurts you:(.

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