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Fear creeps in to prohibit our rasional thought?

Have owned a Vespa for two years. Time to upgrade. Currently considering a Harley 250 Super Low.

Stature wise, perhaps the only cruiser my 5' frame is granted the ability to have both feet on the ground while seated upon.

No specific height requirements, outside of both feet comfortable on the ground.

Have successfully test driven it.... But the tiny whisper in my head is nerve wracking once I stop and need to maintain balance of a bike that out weighs me by 200lbs.

Have not let it fall over.

Only element that keeps me from commitment in it's purchase.

Rasional? Or simply fear?
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DavyPNW · 56-60, M
Simply fear. All motorcycle out weight their rider. That weight actually gives nice stability on the road, especially in windy conditions or highway speeds.

The bigger risk is not when stopped but when pushing or walking your bike around. Just move slowly and keep it centered.

I've dropped a bike a couple of times in 30 years of riding. It can happen but it is rare.
Bratt · F
@DavyPNW Awesome advise! Thank you. 🙂 Have never attempted to walk it. 😳 Can however successfully put it on its kickstand 🤷‍♀️
Simply fear..
Lots of motorcycle owners have bikes they probably couldn't pick up alone if it fell over..
So don't let it fall over! Problem solved..
Bratt · F
@SW-User ❤️
Understandable. But as you get used to tge bike, you will learn better ways to hold it and get more comfortable with it.
Bratt · F
@PrivateHell A Positive vote. Thank you 😎❤️
How does the balance of it feel though when you’re stopped and you’re feet are planted ?
Sharp looking for sure
@Bratt yeppers 👍🏻
Bratt · F
@SW-User ❤️
@Bratt 🤗
you'll get used to the weight .. but if you can, keep the vespa even when you buy the harley.
Bratt · F
@SW-User I'm placing faith in that eventual possibility.🙂

Thing is, residing in Chicago; parking is a major issue with two bikes.

When I needed it most, someone Blessed me with that Vespa. I plan to do the same. 🙂
Rambler · 61-69, M
Nothing to add to the advice already given. Sounds like once you get used to the thing, you’ll be just fine. Be smart, be safe and stay alive. Great looking bike..happy trails!
Bratt · F
@Rambler Thank you 😎❤️
Degbeme · 70-79, M
As much as it breaks my heart to know you`ll be getting rid of you Vespa, I do think this is an excellent choice for you. Once you get more use to riding it you`ll have no issues with balance. As for that cellphone holder. 🤦‍♂️
Cuda6868 · 51-55, M
A lady friend of mine went with a Virago 250 for her first bike. Nice and light, easy to handle.
Bratt · F
@Cuda6868 Awesome. Yeah, it's a recommended size if a starter bike. It's speed and power in relation to a Vespa however are both fun and intimidating.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Ask the dealer to give you a free defensive riding course
Bratt · F
@MarineBob Private owner resale. 🤷‍♀️ But perhaps an option after market? Classes?
MarineBob · 56-60, M
@Bratt Allstate insurance also has a safe biker program, I believe it is free
Bratt · F
@MarineBob Going to check in to that. Thanks. Never would have considered it . 🙂
AlienZipper · 61-69, M
It's rational...just always respect the bike and keep your wits about you at all times while you're riding...

I'm totally jealous...🏍️
Nimbus · M
Only experience will overcome your fear.

Take a leap, it's what life is all about.
If you get it just be careful riding ok 🙂
Bratt · F
@ExperienceDLT Very sweet ❤️
@Bratt I'm about as sweet as lemon juice but I would not want you to ever get hurt
Lilymoon · F
Nice bike 🤩
Lilymoon · F
@Bratt yup it's a big decision...beautiful bike tho...I want it! ;)
Bratt · F
@Lilymoon Haha..small, only 250. But loud 😎
Lilymoon · F
@Bratt awesome... ✌️🏻
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Not sure, if you can handle the bike then its ok
Bratt · F
@vetguy1991 ❤️
Bratt · F
@HannahSky How...what? 😎
HannahSky · F
@Bratt I have no clue what you should get lol test drive
Bratt · F
@HannahSky Haha! 🤣 Honest opinion is priceless 😎🤘
olderuncle944 · 70-79, M
both i have a Yamaha zuma i have had for years decided to do some up keep in it and use it around town for short trips you might look at a Honda rebel
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
the more time you spend on it, the more natural it will become. Just take it easy. No wheelies for 1 year.
Rational. You are trying to be independent, in spite of ppl wanting to help you because of your height.

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