This chart compares the usual time at what Spaniards, Italians, French, Germans and Swedes sleep (dormir), have breakfast (desayuno), work (trabajo), have lunch (comida) and have dinner (cena).
You can see Spain is the country where we do everything the latest in Europe. I don't like our schedule. My personal one is more like the Italians.
@kingkyri It started during Franco's dictatorship, since it was not unusual that workers had a morning and an afternoon job, but now it is a waste of time.
The consequence is that we finish work late, have dinner late, go to bed late, and sleep in average less than other Europeans.
@SW-User Here, you tell people to live like Swedes, and they would think you are crazy.
@Cierzo Do the Spanish play with their kids at lunch? Or do kids stay up super late? Who comes home from work at 8pm unless you have 3 mistresses to take care of during the week?
This is a problem here, parents cannot spend much time with their kids. So, either take extra-curricular activities after school, grandparents take care of them, or they are home alone.
Yes. In Spain it does seem the clock runs rather slowly. And I'm seeing that the French and the Swedes have a big amount of white space or free time. Is that when they sit in some cafe and sip coffee and watch people go by? 😊 I still think Europe is heaven on earth where working hours are concerned.
@Mugin16 I don't think going to bed when your digestion is not yet finished is healthy at all.
My used dinner schedule is around 8-8.30, which is very early for Spanish standards, but when I have been abroad I am totally ok with having dinner at 7
Oh, I hated this Spanish custom to have late dinners when I lived in a dorm as an international student and had to get up at 7:00 in the morning. Of course, they were rather loud dinners that were more like parties accompanied by loud music. I couldn't sleep.
@CrazyMusicLover I hate our late dinners too. And you are right, we are too loud, and there are many idiots thinking that the right to party is above the right to rest.