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I Am Struggling With The Urge Of Wanting To Hurt Myself

I used to cut myself like two years ago. With some counseling, I managed to stop. And I've promised some of my friends I won't do it ever again. But sometimes its just so hard. I feel like I deserve it. And it just feels so good to channel all the pain I feel into that one cut. That once place. And for a little while, everything is ok again. Plus I like how scars/cuts look on my body. That probably makes me a freak but I do. I just love hurting myself. I refuse to break my promise though. It just takes a lot of self control....
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Two of my close friends have been struggling with cutting. When I found out about it, I didn't react the normal way people finding out would. I didn't ask them to stop or tell them it was ridiculous. I just asked them if they wanted to talk about anything and I was always there to listen. I also told them that I know cutting can become addictive and habitual. If YOU really want to stop cutting; you can. If you are trying to stop for other people; it won't work. One friend has started going to a counselor and she has stopped. The other one continues to cut. Both of them struggle daily but have high hopes of quitting for good.
21cookielover21 · 26-30, F
I don't want to stop. But I have to. I don't break promises.
I've had urges but I've never actually done it . I understand how you describe it but at the end of the day you don't deserve any kind of pain. No matter how much you want to cut, don't give in.
21cookielover21 · 26-30, F
Thanks. I'm trying not to.
I found this that seems to help people with advice. I just thought I should tell people.
21cookielover21 · 26-30, F
You're welcome.

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