@ginnyfromtheblock but I only came here 3 days ago 😐
ginnyfromtheblock · 26-30, F
@TheBlackPowerRanger you’re eternal
I'll move on to deceive someone else

Straylight · 31-35, F
Me too!
@Straylight oh my goodness :V
You're so new that you still got new car smell! How new is THAT???
You're so new that you still got new car smell! How new is THAT???

new members aren’t allowed...coronavirus rules
@SW-User aw man. Maybe you can make an exception for me? 😊

@TheBlackPowerRanger hm...I could :3
@SW-User well, thank you 😌
I think you and I get along well
I think you and I get along well
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
interesting that the word "hidden" was just sitting there, unused. Pretty awesome user name, especially if you are NOT a new member and created a troll avatar and got to actually take the name "hidden". would be pretty awesome.
@reflectingmonkey 👀
you be mad sharp
you be mad sharp
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
I have my doubts... nobody “New” comes here
@Spokeskitties75 😤
I'm fresh off the escapee boat
I'm fresh off the escapee boat

You are "Hidden", i see what you did there 😑. Other people can't see through the lies, but i can, i'm watching you!!!!
@SW-User 😬
What lies? ME??
LYING?? Heeeeccckkkkk nah
Get outta here.. hehe
I'm fresh off the boat! Nobody knows me here...
What lies? ME??
LYING?? Heeeeccckkkkk nah
Get outta here.. hehe
I'm fresh off the boat! Nobody knows me here...

Lemme find out your identity... 😑 my identity senses are like HARDCORE tingling and i feel something a lil sus.....
Lemme find out your identity... 😑 my identity senses are like HARDCORE tingling and i feel something a lil sus.....
@SW-User ;-;
I'm skeered
I'm skeered
Selah ·
Define new
passingby8 · 31-35, F
BiasForAction · M
You are a vanishing breed. Welcome.
@BiasForAction do we all assimilate and stay forever???