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I Shut People Out When Im Hurt

I'm hurt. I just realize this today. I've been hurt through years yet I somehow managed to be unaware of this... wtf should I do? I find it hard to open up to people, even to the closest ones like family and friends, for that reason I feel like I've been alienating myself from everyone and that's why I always end up alone and feeling like shit without any idea of how I've came to this point. Help?
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Something it took me longer than you've been alive to learn - people can't MAKE you feel a particular way unless you cooperate. I think the secret may be to jam the mechanisms in all those doors that slam down when we're hurt and think about whatever just happened.

Someone said something hurtful. Was it a criticism of something you said or did? Was it a valid criticism? Is there something you need to change to make it easier and less painful to communicate?

The way we interact with the people closest to us is like a dance and the moves are all set before the dance starts. You do or say A, i react B, and you react to my reaction, C.

The first thing to do is stop dancing. Listen to what the other said. Wait till they stop talking before you answer, and when you answer, don't answer with the same dance step. Change the pattern. With practice you can wring some valuable information out of the experience, which almost never happens when you're doing the family Highland fling. Or locked alone in a room feeling hurt.
oskriv · 26-30, M
@Mamapolo2016 that makes a lot of sense, I'll try to put it into practice
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
You have to acknowledge how you really feel. I did the same exact shit and now it’s hitting me like a train. You have to be your own therapist and even find a real therapist to help guide you through it. That’s what I plan on doing anyways. But yea you have to be there for yourself. A lot of people are unaware of emotional trauma roaming in their subconscious and it’s never going to go away till you pay attention to it and try to fix it.
oskriv · 26-30, M
@HannibalMontanimal therapy helps, but not as much, in the end we are the ones who can really heal ourselves
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
I do this also. It's a natural reflex to protect ourselves from fear of being hurt again.
oskriv · 26-30, M
@JerseyGal it's crazy, cause it only makes the pain worse in time
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@oskriv It does. But I haven't found a way to stop it.
I do the same as well.
oskriv · 26-30, M
@Goldengirl22 it sucks, cause you know you're the only responsible for this yet it's really hard to change it

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