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I Am Mean

By "mean" I mean by saying "no" to something I don't like or setting boundaries. Not mean like calling people names or sayinh harsh things, but letting people know I'm not going to be ran over. I respectfully set boundaries. My parents taught us to not let people take advantage of us and speak our minds. I'm getting better at it. I hate having a soft heart sometimes.

If they don't like it, tough shit. I don't care
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tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
This is assertiveness and not mean at all.The best way to be.
@tallpowerhouseblonde True. I am just tired of being the "nice girl".
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
@CraftyMarieArts You can be both nice and also firm with people.Helpful while still being able to say no when you believe you need to.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I'm the same way. I always tell people who haven't seen me in a while, "I'm not as sweet as I used to be." I no longer act like a doormat. I set boundaries and enforce them.
@DearAmbellina2113 Good for you! 💖👍
I don't know why some people call people bitches for it. Oh well
IzzyZ2002 · 22-25, F
Well that's not mean. That's having respect for yourself.
Can't be soft hearted all the time.
TheVegon · 61-69, M
Saying No to others is saying yes to the self!😀
@TheVegon Wow. Never thought of it that way.
TheVegon · 61-69, M
@CraftyMarieArts It sometimes takes courage and strength as they can be powerful people.
Parents the hardest. Siblings and the supposed norms of society.
LaylaTheTallGirl · 22-25, F
You sound so mean. 😡👺

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